Hi All,
I have visited the official site of the Election Commission of India at - http://eci.gov.in/ and downloaded the document from Election Laws & ECI Instructions / Proposed Electoral Reforms.
Shri TS krishna Murthy, Chief Election Commissioner of India has proposed this Electoral Reform to the Hon. PM Dr. Manmohan Singh on July 5th, 2004 in two parts. Part 1 with 15 proposals for reform and Part 2 with 7 pending proposals.
Part 1 / Topic 7 describes "Negative/Neutral Voting". ( Reproduced as under )
The Commission has received proposals from a very large number of individuals and organizations that there should be a provision enabling a voter to reject all the candidates in the constituency if he does not find them suitable. In the voting using the conventional ballot paper and ballot boxes, an elector can drop the ballot paper without marking his vote against any of the candidates, if he chooses so. However, in the voting using the Electronic Voting Machines, such a facility is not
available to the voter. Although, Rule 49 O of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 provides that an elector may refuse to vote after he has been identified and necessary entries made in the Register of Electors and the marked copy of the electoral roll, the secrecy of voting is not protected here inasmuch as the polling officials and the polling agents in the polling station get to know about the decision of such a voter.
The Commission recommends that the law should be amended to specifically provide for negative / neutral voting. For this purpose, Rules 22 and 49B of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be suitably amended adding a proviso that in the ballot paper and the
particulars on the ballot unit, in the column relating to names of candidates, after the entry relating to the last candidate, there shall be a column .None of the above., to enable a voter to reject all the candidates, if he chooses so. Such a proposal was earlier made by the Commission in 2001 (vide letter dated 10.12.2001).
(A petition by the People.s Union for Civil Liberties seeking such a provision filed at the time of the recent general elections is pending before the Hon.ble Supreme Court)
I am attaching a pdf file - PROPOSED_ELECTORAL_REFORMS.pdf and forwarding this mail to the members of virtual community at Future of India @ yahoo / google, margdarshan @ yahoo, premierseminars @ yahoo, akhiltv @ yahoo for the ready reference.
I am sure members will get information and inspired to spread the word.
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