Hi all
K. Srinivasan
prime point foundation
We have received information from Association of Business Communicators of India (ABCI) infomring us that our ezine PR-e-Sense has been nominated for the Award by the eminent juries under 'ezine category'. The Award function is being held at Mumbai on 11th jan 2008.
- PR-e-Sense is being published for the past 21 months without break;
- Every month the ezine carries an exclusive theme relevant for Corporates and communication.
- Most of the ezines are integrated with podcast;
- Many eminent persons are associated with the ezine either as Guest Editors or as contributors;
- Above all, we do not accept any Advertisements in our ezine.
We are extremely grateful to our readers and members for their continued support, feedback and guidance. During this happy moment, the editorial team dedicates the Award to our members.
All the earlier ezines may be downloaded from www.corporatezine.in
All the earlier ezines may be downloaded from www.corporatezine.
prime point foundation
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