To realise the developed India by 2020

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Re: [India_Vision_2020] Suyam stages dharna to fight against corruption at Taluk office, Ambattur


Dear Sir, There is a need to be organised at all levels against corruption, working at Chennai, Delhi or other Metro may bring publicity, but will not solve the problems. An organisation against corruption must work down upto Block level, in touch with common people stand against authorities autocratic behaviour but encourage the good action of administration, take suggestion from retired civil servant who can point out places vulnerable to corruption, let govt servant  change their mind that they have to  work and live without illegal money. with regards Er. S C Thukral Jammu.
Dear Srinivasan

fantastic and fabulous job , please do let me know if you require any help from our side.

All the best

IAC Chennai 

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