dear friends
This India Vsiion group was formed by us with the support of Prof. Y S Rajan, Co-Author of the book India 2020 with Dr Kalam. The purpose was to bring together all the like minded people who want to contribute towards the development of the Nation. Presently, we have more than 2000 members across the country and other countries. We have many eminent people on board. We have many professionals, students, scientists, social workers in this group.
This group is a moderated group. We have few moderators. Only approved messages will be circulated. We have consciously prohibited posting of (1) negative messages (2) cynical messages (3) criticisms and (4) sugestions to the Government and Authorities what they should do. Whenever, any of the members post such messages, we return the messages. The members who continue to post such messages of spams are even 'mercilessly' removed after warning to maintain the high quality of this group.
Yahoo India also made this group as their partners during India 60 and used lot of articles and messges in their India 60 site.
We have 12 partner organisations with us. Many young professionals and students have formed individual groups. They contribute silently to the society in their own humble way, without compromising their main line of profession and studies. Last month, all the partner organisations met Dr Kalam and spent nearly one hour with him (report already circulated).
Now, we have opened a new blog site to highlight the 'unsung heroes' across the country. Besides posting such information in the site, it would also be circulated in this group.
All the 2000 plus members are the 'citizne journalists' of this site for purpose of sending the informtion. You may kindly look for such good people who silently contribute to the society in your area and send us a brief note with their action photograph. There are lot of good officers in the Government Sector and they would be doing great task.s we will be publishing such articles in our group and site. Please go to the site and see the model.
As we go along, we will also nominate few people in various centres of our country and they would be empowered to post such articles directly in the site and blog. The purpose is to bring out the selfless workers and to get motivated.
This India Vsiion group was formed by us with the support of Prof. Y S Rajan, Co-Author of the book India 2020 with Dr Kalam. The purpose was to bring together all the like minded people who want to contribute towards the development of the Nation. Presently, we have more than 2000 members across the country and other countries. We have many eminent people on board. We have many professionals, students, scientists, social workers in this group.
This group is a moderated group. We have few moderators. Only approved messages will be circulated. We have consciously prohibited posting of (1) negative messages (2) cynical messages (3) criticisms and (4) sugestions to the Government and Authorities what they should do. Whenever, any of the members post such messages, we return the messages. The members who continue to post such messages of spams are even 'mercilessly' removed after warning to maintain the high quality of this group.
Yahoo India also made this group as their partners during India 60 and used lot of articles and messges in their India 60 site.
We have 12 partner organisations with us. Many young professionals and students have formed individual groups. They contribute silently to the society in their own humble way, without compromising their main line of profession and studies. Last month, all the partner organisations met Dr Kalam and spent nearly one hour with him (report already circulated).
Now, we have opened a new blog site http://www.action20
All the 2000 plus members are the 'citizne journalists' of this site for purpose of sending the informtion. You may kindly look for such good people who silently contribute to the society in your area and send us a brief note with their action photograph. There are lot of good officers in the Government Sector and they would be doing great task.s we will be publishing such articles in our group and site. Please go to the site http://www.action20
As we go along, we will also nominate few people in various centres of our country and they would be empowered to post such articles directly in the site and blog. The purpose is to bring out the selfless workers and to get motivated.
Please visit the website to read inspiring articles of eminent personalities

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