Brainstorming in John Hopkins University
Institute of Health in US in a survey found that 95,000 deaths occur per year in the United States due to medical errors. Though this information can be debated, this information was found to be very disturbing. It was recognized that there is a need for change in approach in medicare to improve the safety and quality of care to patients. In this connection, it was felt that it is important to train the doctors, the nurses, paramedics, technicians and everyone connected with medicare. Modern hospital is a very complex organization and there are challenges ahead to improve the safety of the patients. Quality medicare is possible only when people work together as a team. Recently a seminar was conducted in John Hopkins where there was a brainstorming session between the doctors, medicare personnel, patients and the relatives of the patients which brought out all these factors very clearly.
I will be very happy if our super specialty hospitals like Army hospital Research and Referral conduct such type of review periodically in the combined meeting of doctors, nurses, paramedical staff and the patients. This is particularly important in respect of organ transplant. I am telling this audience, because this type of integrated conference has been conducted after the occurrence of tragic incident in John Hopkins Hospitals. A child's life was lost because of judgment in their diagnosis. The mother of the child briefed the whole incident to the combined gathering of the hospital team. A CD has come on the mother's briefing. It was a moving experience of the mother. Particularly while attending the transplant cases in pre operative, operative, post operative and recovery period, large number of sophisticated instruments and monitoring systems are used. In this scenario, experience of treatment and the problems have to be shared together on fixed days of the week and the results documented. It will become a teaching wealth for transplant specialists.
Address at Nursing Programme on Organ Transplant and Different Dimensions of Nursing, Army Hospital (R&R), Delhi

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