Department of Science & Technology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Government of
Call for R&D and Technology Development Proposals
Department of Science & Technology (DST) has started a new and focused initiative on S&T interventions for benefit of elderly population in the country through its Science and Society Division. DST would like to support R&D proposals on conceptualization, research and development for finding technological solutions to ameliorate problems faced by the elderly population and to improve their quality of life. The possible interventions would include design and development of enabling devices, designs of homes, use of ICT in networking, recreation and entertainment, and health and nutritious food. Some projects already funded by DST under this programme relate to development of devices, launching a portal capturing technologies for elders and related matters, instituting fellowships at master's level to attract young minds to work on special designs for elderly.
In addition to the above themes, DST would welcome any other novel/innovative idea/concept related to enablement of elderly people. Projects can be undertaken by academic / R&D institutions in collaboration with NGOs or industry, wherever feasible. The proposals should include clearly defined statement of the problem based on identified needs and state-of-the-
Project proposals (10 hard copies & 1 soft copy) can be submitted in the prescribed format available on the website www.scienceandsocie
Head, Science & Society Division, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi110016 (Tel: 011-26590241, Telefax: 011-26964793. E.mail: or vikasc.goyal@

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