I appreciate the marketing approach first of the mail.
As I experienced, we may have to face some stumbling blocks from the 'begging organizers' while we approach for betterment of children, specifically in metro's. These kinds of oranised begging are very less in village and town punchate area.
I have observed that when those children got assurance of every day requirement like for food and shelter. Then their mind flies with wing, We are allowed to instill the national/world requirement to them. This could be the reason our beloved Kamaraj implemented mid-day meals. Then the same is converted by MGR and being successfully run. The above plan are unreachable for subjected children. Yes now we need new plan with commitment.
I strongly recommend for making a team in metros to abolish street begging by taking care of our budding Gandhi/Kalam/
In Mumbai, I shall assist you with some volunteer.
J. Kumaresan
sorry, my earlier mail developed some faults
In my work with street children/beggar children, I have found that there are four types of beggar children.
1. Those who beg to supplement their income by earning an additional 100-200Rs a day. I am not addressing them.
2. Those who beg in front of temples or for other religious reasons like shanidev. They collect quiet a fortune, in fact they have their areas distributed and powerstruggles and fights to maintain supremacy and control over these areas. I am not addressing them.
3. Those children who come to beg because of their need and their own wish to beg. They will take coins given by you and buy something for themselves to eat/wear. This is an imaginary kind of beggar kids which exists only in the mind of common man. I have not yet met a child who falls in this category.
4. Large nuumber of toddlers, infants, babies, small kids, who live with some elders who may/maynot be their parents. They are kept dirty, naked, starved and sent to beg in the hot sun and the extreme cold. They are gold mines. They are able to extract coins even from the soul less people. At times the coins come because the person giving it wants the dirty thing to go away from him at the earliest. The coins they collect are taken away by elders who are into alchohol, drugs, cheap prostitution and the kind. Thanks to the coins(which today are useless for the affluent class and an ideal thing to give away to satisfy an urge of charity), thanks to these coins coming in, these people are encouraged to have/arrange maximum kids and infants.
Since no one would give coins to a covered, clean and well fed child, it is anybody's guess how these kids will be kept.
Have you seen a small baby at a traffic crossing lying on the muddy footpath, covered in mud, even his eyes are stuck from not cleaning and another 5-7yr old kid shuffing an empty dirty milk bottle into that baby's mouth. Such a scene forces even the most affluent to pull down the powerwindow of their luxury sedan and take a hand out to give some coins before quickly drwaing it back in. Ensuring that the kid is kept in that very condition and more such kids are arranged. Alas! The poor baby would never know that he was born to die in a dead society of dead people.
No, I don't want to use harsh words but if I don't will I be heard??? In these age with people obsessed with spicy, news stories and bollywood movies which are merely a product of a director's fantacy. In this age of sensation creating news and votebank politics. Will the silent voice of these kids be heard?????
1. Please don't give coins to begging kids. If possible give food/clothes.
2. If you see a child being exploited please raise your voice.
3. It is an ADAA dream to change the lives of these children for the better, if you can, please help us.
Navin Gulia
ADAA - Apni Duniya Apna Ashiana – help these children
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