dear friends
As already announced, November 07 issue of Corporate ezine will focus on "Corporate arrogance and human insensitivity". In order to study the various types of corporate arrogance, we plan to conduct a quick survey.
Please visit the following link to give your views. It may take two to three minutes only. Please do not identify yourself. Only your views are required.
We will consolidate the views and provide suitable solutions through experts to reduce the corporate arrogance and to increase the human sensitivity in the ezine.
We have also provided a space to write down any of the corporate arrogance and human insensitive instances, which you might have come across in any organisation. Such instances may or may not be intentional. We need to provide an opportunity to those organisations to correct themselves. If you are willing, you can also provide the email id of those organisations in the relevant field, so that we will bring such instances to the notice of the concerned organistions.
However, you need not furnish your identity. Only honest views are required.
Please also circulate amongst your friends and contacts
Chief Editor, PR-e-Sense
To read the back issues of the ezine,
please visit
-- As already announced, November 07 issue of Corporate ezine will focus on "Corporate arrogance and human insensitivity". In order to study the various types of corporate arrogance, we plan to conduct a quick survey.
Please visit the following link to give your views. It may take two to three minutes only. Please do not identify yourself. Only your views are required.
We will consolidate the views and provide suitable solutions through experts to reduce the corporate arrogance and to increase the human sensitivity in the ezine.
We have also provided a space to write down any of the corporate arrogance and human insensitive instances, which you might have come across in any organisation. Such instances may or may not be intentional. We need to provide an opportunity to those organisations to correct themselves. If you are willing, you can also provide the email id of those organisations in the relevant field, so that we will bring such instances to the notice of the concerned organistions.
However, you need not furnish your identity. Only honest views are required.
Please also circulate amongst your friends and contacts
Chief Editor, PR-e-Sense
To read the back issues of the ezine,
please visit http://corporatezin
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