Dear All,
Best wishes from Suyam (http://www.suyam.
and prayers and good support, we were able to serve the humanity with
utmost confidence and courage. A small update follows
Siragu (http://www.siragu.
Siragu is a free school run by Suyam and now stepped into 6th academic
year. School started mainly for begging children and also open to all.
In the year 2003, started with 30 children and now we have nearly 300
children & 70 children stay in the school as hostel inmates.
- Siragu project won World level 2nd prize in Netherlands. A
Netherlands based company supports 550 projects across the World and
selected best 15 and voting done by employees and our project stood at
2nd Place.
- "Wings of Evolution" a documentary film on Siragu, taken by our
friends in USA and won Best Documentary Film Award in Lake Film
Festival, USA recently. Also, recently screened in Satyam Cinemas,
Watch a short trailer of Wings of Evolution - a movie on Siragu
- Need to fulfil the requirements of this academic year 2008-09
(Stationeries to Teaching Materials, Uniforms, etc)
- Need to buy 0.45 acres of land (presently having 1.55 acres) to
fulfil the ICSE standard norms and get recognition.
- Old 2 Vans to be repaired and to be reconditioned soon and
additional Van to be purchased
- According to the increase in student strength, need to appoint more
teachers and result in increase of overhead cost.
- Need to mobilise funds for operational expenses which is the biggest
challenge as of now
- Construction of lab, hostel block, renovation of existing toilet,
painting of walls, etc.
We request you all to contribute a small amount which will be very
much supportive to educate hundreds of street children and children
from various social and economic backgrounds. Also we look forward
more volunteers to support the school activities. Training the
teachers, children, etc.
How to contribute:
- By bank transfer to our ICICI Bank Account No.603 101 272 441
(Sowcarpet Branch, Chennai 79)
- By ICICI Bank's money2India payment option
- By Cheque or DD in favour of "SUYAM CHARITABLE TRUST" payable at Chennai
Address to send your contribution:
SUYAM Charitable Trust, Old No.5, New No.26, II Floor, Zinda Street,
Kondithope, Chennai 600 079, TN,India.
Await positive responses and timely support from all of you.
Thanks and regards.
Uma Muthuram & Muthuram
9444404822 & 9840365819

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