To realise the developed India by 2020

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Re: [India_Vision_2020] 65th Republic Day Greetings - India's pride


Dear Shri Srinivasan
On this historic national day of
celebration, introspection and lookimg forward, my greetings and best wishes to you and your teams. I commemd your efforts with great national spirit to catalyse many individuals to contribute their might to the India vision.We are a great country made of amazing individusls, groups and organisations. While we have many achievements and loads of challemges to tackle, we have potential to surge forward. The positive outlook and work of groups like yours give hope, optimism and strength
Jai Hind
D.Narayana Moorthi

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 9:42 AM IST Prime Point Srinivasan wrote:

>On behalf of the editorial teams of ezines PreSense and New Gen Thamizhan,
>I convey the heartfelt 65th Republic Day Greetings. On this day, President
>of India and the Prime Minister lead the nation in saluting the brave
>soldiers who are guarding the nation.
>Braving all internal and external challenges, India has emerged as a strong
>and largest democracy in the world. India is being built brick by brick
>and stone by stone by all of us. We will continue to march ahead as proud
>Indians in building the nation.
>Jai Hind
>Prime Point

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