dear friends
Action 2020 - Second UnConference was held on Saturday the 27th June at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai. Pro. Ananth (Director, IIT), Prof. Chandy (Dean, IIT), Mr S Rajsekar (National Agro Foundation), Mr V Ponraj (Advisor to Dr Abdul Kalam) and Mr Santhosh Babu IAS (Mg. Director, Electronic Corporation of Tamilnadu) and others participated and shared the views. IIT, Chennai hosted this event.
The event started at 9.30 AM and ended at 5.30 PM. Around 60 participants representing 25 youth organisations participated and finalised some common projects.
Please look the photos int he following link
Shiva and others will share the proceedings.
Pondicherry Engineering College Team will be organising a 'Action 2020 - Mini UnConference' at Pondicherry covering few colleges in the three or four neighbouring districts shortly.
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