Dear friends,
Its my pleasure to share the most memorable moment in my life having the first sight of the great leader, most humble and source of inspiration, Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam last eve (22-06-2009) for the first time in my life.
It was awe inspiring to sit in front of him and hear to his inspirational speech (for d 1st time). Am very much glad to convey you all that myself along with 7 of my college mates had the blissful hours of seeing him live.
Am much thankful to Times Of India and SRM who organized the event "Times Avenues", a career counseling, (at Chetpet) in which I experienced the above.
And I would like to share some of the interesting points from his speech.
> Dr. Kalam arrived on the Diaz sharp at 5.30pm, with a thunderous applause and cheer up.
> He started with a question whether we need the speech of 16pages on the theme `Knowledge is Power' (what he already prepared) or need his spontaneous speech on incidents from his life. We all asked for the second one.
> He started with how he got to manage his life at Rameshwaram in his childhood, right from daily worship at mosque till his paper distribution in the island. He mainly quoted about his primary school teacher Mr.Siva Subramaniya Iyer.
> Then he said about his tireless efforts to join IAF and the failure he met there. And later how he joined DRDO. From this he quoted that "Don't allow failure to rule you, rather You must rule over the failure and make the sufferings to suffer".
> Then about his first contribution to the Indian Space Mission. Launch of SLV-3, its failure and the self-less nature of Mr. Sathish Dhawan who himself took charge for the failure and later shared the success of the SLV-3 mission to everyone.
> He also narrated the incident where a orthopedic surgeon from Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences visited his lab and saw the very light carbon-carbon material used for the missiles. The Surgeon asked him why can't he use this light material to remove the pain of the Physically Challenged small kids who were dragging there legs with heavy calipers of 4kg. After replacing the heavy calipers with light C-C material(400gms) he could see the joy in them. And there was tears from their mother. He quoted this was his Blissful moment.
> Dr.Kalam also said "Creativity, Courage and Righteousness" are the three main things that every youth must posses for making success. Also he related these three terms with his quotes and made us all to repeat after him.
Then came the question session where he called upon only 10 guys near to the diaz and some girls(as he was running short of time to catch his flight)..
> One enthusiastic guy instead asking questions ran up with his unique photo collection asking him to autograph.
> One interesting guy simply asked "Sir, whether my dream will come true?" Dr.Kalam said that definitely his dream would come true and asked him what was his dream. The guy replied that his dream was to shake hands with him. The he asked him to jump into the Diaz and had a handshake with him.
> One of the girls asked "Sir what is the procedure to get autograph from you?" and he said to mail him, so that he would send her, a photograph of him along with his autograph.
> One of the gentleman asked "Sir there are no responsible teachers at present who really pave way for student's improvement as you had. Whats your opinion?". He replied saying that a primary school teacher plays a vital role in this part and the selection of them must be made clear.
> When asked, which his most sorrowful moment was, he said that the day when his 103 years old father passed way was his sorrowful day.
> Finally a girl asked "which women inspired you the most?". He said the person who inspired him the most was M.K.Gandhi and Marie Curie.
The event ended up with the national anthem around 7pm.
And if I get chance to interact personally with the 'missile man', I would be the happiest guy in this world.
(NOTE: Its my first post in the group and please adjust with grammatical errors..)
Rajgovind J.
2nd Year, B.E. Mechanical Engg.,
KCG College of Technology,

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