To realise the developed India by 2020

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[India_Vision_2020] Study paper on Distinctive Profile of India 2020 invited [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Prime Point Srinivasan included below]

dear friends

Last week, Mr V Ponraj, Advisor to Dr Abdul Kalam (Former President of India) addressed a group of vibrant youth belonging to 'YouThink' at Chennai.  I was also present in the meeting. During the course of interaction, many youngsters wanted to know how they can contribute to achieve the Vision 2020, to make our India a developed nation by 2020.

In response, Mr Ponraj quoted the distinctive profile of India 2020, as envisaged by Dr Abdul Kalam.  He also quoted the 10 Pillars of Developed India 2020. (attached)

Mr Ponraj requested them to go through the 10 Pillars and pick up one area (Pillar) and a make study forming a team and send a report to Dr Kalam's office. 

Since it is a very interesting study, I offered to involve the expertise of India Vision, prpoint, Action 2020, ELTF groups. It was decided to hold a seminar on this involving various groups of people, including policy makers.

Mr Ponraj has sent the document listing the 10 Pillars of developed India 2020.  He has also added a sample template for one of the Pillars (Pillar No 4 - Education).   

How to make Study paper?

1.  Interested members can form a team among themselves with one convenor.    They can chose one Pillar, out of the 10 Pillars in the attached note.  The team can do a study on various aspects like (a) present position (b) current challenges (c) improvements needed (d) action points, including the administrative and legislative actions, etc.  The team can modify to suit the needs.  Please also refer the sample template attached.

2.  After forming the team, they can inform Mr Ponraj (Dr Abdul Kalam's office) with the details of the team and the area of study (Pillar), they have undertaking.  Mr Ponraj email id is and  If needed, they can also write to Mr Ponraj for any clarification or guidance, under copy to me.

3.  The study papers may be completed before 15th July 2013 and submitted to Mr V Ponraj through mail directly, under copy to me.  

4.  It is planned to discuss this theme in a seminar, jointly organised with YouThink, inviting experts from different areas.  We will also invite political leaders to take forward some of the suggestions politically.  Since General Elections are nearing, we can also persuade some of the good suggestions to be included in the Manifestos of political parties. 

Please go through the attached document and revert back to us, after forming a team.  This is a great opportunity to participate in the nation building in a humble way.

Please also share this with interested people.

Prime Point


Attachment(s) from Prime Point Srinivasan

1 of 1 File(s)

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