Great, inspiring personality.
Thanks for sharing his views with all of us.
--- In India_Vision_
> dear friends
> A coupe of days back, i had sent a mail in the group seeking the
> of people who have passion for drawing. One Mr Shaurya Shah from
> responded back with his drawings of Kalamji and Ganhiji. I wanted
to know
> about him and asked for his profile. I got his profile today.
> I am sharing his profile with all members. How motivating is. We
are proud
> that he is a member of our group.
> Srinivasan
> Moderator
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Shaurya Shah <shaurya_munich@
> Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 12:04 AM
> Subject: Re: Attn: who have passion for drawing cartoons
> To: "K. Srinivasan" <prpoint@...
> Dear Srinivasan ji,
> As asked by you, I am pleased to introduce myself. I am a patriot
> boyhood. My mother used to tell us stories about Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Indian
> History, Gandhiji, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel, Swami Vivekanand,
Shivaji and
> the likes in our childhood. She used to gift me books on above
subjects on
> my birthdays during my childhood.
> I was born in Kolkata and brought up in a very small village in
Gujarat in a
> joint family. My maternal side still resides at Kolkata. I studied
in a
> village school (called 'Kumar Shala' which was like a hut) in
> medium with those village boys till 10th. It was very embarrassing
for my
> mother that I was the only child among other cousins who could not
> understand English when we used to go to Kolkata for vacations.
After 10th I
> shifted to Baroda as there was no science stream in that village
school. It
> was a hard time for me to get going with the changed atmosphere
(i.e. from a
> village school to one of the leading schools of Gujarat the
ragging and so
> on). Then there were failures and successes a part of shaping
process in
> life. I could not fulfill my father's dream to see me as an
architect. I did
> To lessen the burden of my father, I sacrificed my post graduations
for MBA
> and joined the family business of traditional ceramics. Then our
family took
> over a sick closed down company in a very negligible amount due to
> recession. But the company was like an elephant that needed much of
a food
> to sustain. Our family's savings were eaten away by that company in
> time. None of us were technically known to the products of that
> (Industrial / Advance Ceramics). I was the one who was looking after
> marketing and then I took it as a challenge. I went to engineering
> library to study the books on Ceramic Engineering. I visited all
the corners
> of the country for several years to market our products and to
create the
> brandname. I would not eat for the day if I don't receive an order.
I had a
> habit to purchase a book while traveling in a train. It was that
rough time
> of financial burden on our family when I was on tour to Bangalore
in July
> 2002. On my return journey from Bangalore to Baroda, I purchased
> 2020: A vision for the new millennium' by Shri Kalam ji & Shri
> (Earlier I had read 'Wings of fire' so I was fan of Shri Kalam ji
then). A
> miracle happened during that return journey as I read the lines on
> No.102 : *"Any future vision of a developed **India** will
naturally include
> a vibrant advanced ceramics industry
**India** has to be a global
player in
> this area."* It was so sensing to my soul as if Kalam ji is giving
me a
> task.
> Immediately on returning from station (without even taking a bath),
I drew
> Kalam ji's sketch and written above lines on it, got it framed and
> placed it over my chair in my office. It was a coincidence that I
drew that
> sketch on the same day Shri Kalam ji took an oath as The President
of India
> (25.07.2002)
> My vision about our product range and its role in nation building
> enlightened thru those words in that book. We have grown eversince
and are
> trying to grow even in this difficult situation of drastic price
hike in LDO
> (+70% within a year) and other raw materials (+50% on an average).
You can
> visit us at www.khyaticeramics.
> I am not a Businessman by heart. I am a patriot and a dutiful son
to my
> family and to my nation.
> I have not taken any classes for drawing (were not available in that
> village) but one day during vacations in Kolkata, my mother gave me
> picture of Gandhiji and asked me to draw while she went for her
bath. When
> she returned, her eyes were happy with tears she discovered an
artist in
> me. I was in class 2 then.
> With very best regards,
> Shaurya Shah
> --
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