Dear members
Iam really charged up after seeing the great man my role model or more than that Dr Abul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam .Iam thankful to Mr.Srinivasan of India Vision 2020 who made my dream come true. 12 people meet kalam all partners of India Vision 2020 .
I first shook hands with kalam and gave the Notes of Activities of YHM . He went through it very sharply then i explained the activities of YHM he was really impressed .I made a proposal with Kalam i have been working for this for 2 years .On 15th October the birthday of Kalam i wanted to bring all the less blessed children's in chennai from orphanages , blind schools , physically challenged and all section of kids who have some problem and the all the students from chennai and show the students that there are these kind of people please help them with time and money . Kalam sir said October 15th he will not be in INDIA so he agreed to come on a day which is mutually ok .
And i gave my card he saw the card and asked you have changed ur name to KALAM Nagappan did ur father scolded or not . Everyone started laughing i explained him initially he shouted but accepted afterwards .
After that all the partner org of India Vision 2020 explained about their activities.He was really impressed and said he will call all of us another day for a full day discussion .
Prime Point Srinivasan <prpoint@gmail.
Moderator's Note
dear friends
Our colleagues have already informed you about the meeting with Dr Kalam on 24th July midnight. Dr Kalam was supposed to arrive at Raj Bahavan, Chennai by about 10.30 pm. We were given time at 11 pm. Due to various delays, he could reach Raj Bhavan one hour late.
11 members of our Partner organisations representing Suyam, Manam Malarattum, Nandanar Trust, India Sudar, Dream India, Young Helping Minds, Team Everest, Vandemataram ezine and the co-moderators of this group were part of the team.
Please see the pictures in the following link prpoint/sets/ 7215760636291074 6/detail/
After he arrived there, we were called to meet him. It was around 12 midnight. Inspite of his hectic schedules, travel, he was looking fresh and cheerful. Though we were given only 10 minutes time, when he started discussing with our members, he showed keen interest on each and every member. All of them had brought their note about their activities. He went through one by one and asked for more clarifications. He also suggested them, what they should do and how they should take it further, etc. Two of them brought 'poems' written in Tamil on Dr Kalam. He also read line by line. Some of the focus areas, he emphasised :
1. There are lot of school drop outs in the villages. He wanted us to help such children to pursue their education further. He even suggested vocational trainings, so that they can learn some skills.
2. Students can enter politics with good aim of serving the society. He insited on the 'development politics' than 'general politics'. That means, politics should help for the development of the Nation.
3. The members who met Dr Kalam were only representing the partner organisations. More young people are associated with these partner organisations. He said, I am meeting few of you. I want to have 1000 such organisations, to take the Nation forward. ( i am writing a separate mail on this in the group). Every now and then he was telling, " we will work together". That gave a feeling to all that he was part of our team.
4. Though only 10 minutes was allotted to us, finally, we ended up discussing with him for one full hour. that means, it was early morning 1 am. Even at that time, more than 50 people were waiting outside to see him. ( we donot know at what time, he went to bed. He had lot of programmes in the City from morning). When we all left he told our members, " You are all doing great job to the Nation. What can i give to you?". Our members replied, " Sir. We need only your blessings only. Please guide us what we should do.". Probably, he might have seen people going to him for many favours and publicity. He was immensly impressed with the genuine answer of our members. He saw in our group the people who work for the Nation without any expectations.
5. We wanted to record a message from him for our group members. Readily, he gave a voice byte as a message to our members. I will upload the message and send the link in my next mail.
When we all came out of Raj Bhavan, we all felt that we have more greater responsibility, than before. With Dr Kalam as a 'mentor' for all of us, and with spirited young and vibrant team of young members, I personally feel that India is in safe hands.
We can feel proud that we are living in the era of Dr Kalam. I will write a separate mail on increase of partner organisations, as suggested by Dr Kalam.
Jai Hind
Kalam Nagappan
Managing Trustee - YHM
Ph no:9840390517
YHM ACC No :: 039501000379
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