dear friends
A coupe of days back, i had sent a mail in the group seeking the attention of people who have passion for drawing. One Mr Shaurya Shah from Gujarat responded back with his drawings of Kalamji and Ganhiji. I wanted to know about him and asked for his profile. I got his profile today.
I am sharing his profile with all members. How motivating is. We are proud that he is a member of our group.
From: Shaurya Shah <shaurya_munich@
Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: Attn: who have passion for drawing cartoons
To: "K. Srinivasan" <prpoint@gmail.
Dear Srinivasan ji, As asked by you, I am pleased to introduce myself. I am a patriot since boyhood. My mother used to tell us stories about Ramayan, Mahabharat, Indian History, Gandhiji, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel, Swami Vivekanand, Shivaji and the likes in our childhood. She used to gift me books on above subjects on my birthdays during my childhood. I was born in Kolkata and brought up in a very small village in Gujarat in a joint family. My maternal side still resides at Kolkata. I studied in a village school (called 'Kumar Shala' which was like a hut) in Gujarati medium with those village boys till 10th. It was very embarrassing for my mother that I was the only child among other cousins who could not understand English when we used to go to Kolkata for vacations. After 10th I shifted to Baroda as there was no science stream in that village school. It was a hard time for me to get going with the changed atmosphere (i.e. from a village school to one of the leading schools of Gujarat – the ragging and so on). Then there were failures and successes – a part of shaping process in life. I could not fulfill my father's dream to see me as an architect. I did
To lessen the burden of my father, I sacrificed my post graduations for MBA and joined the family business of traditional ceramics. Then our family took over a sick closed down company in a very negligible amount due to heavy recession. But the company was like an elephant that needed much of a food to sustain. Our family's savings were eaten away by that company in months time. None of us were technically known to the products of that company (Industrial / Advance Ceramics). I was the one who was looking after marketing and then I took it as a challenge. I went to engineering college library to study the books on Ceramic Engineering. I visited all the corners of the country for several years to market our products and to create the brandname. I would not eat for the day if I don't receive an order. I had a habit to purchase a book while traveling in a train. It was that rough time of financial burden on our family when I was on tour to Bangalore in July 2002. On my return journey from Bangalore to Baroda, I purchased 'India 2020: A vision for the new millennium' by Shri Kalam ji & Shri Y.S.Rajan (Earlier I had read 'Wings of fire' so I was fan of Shri Kalam ji then). A miracle happened during that return journey as I read the lines on page No.102 : "Any future vision of a developed India will naturally include a vibrant advanced ceramics industry… India has to be a global player in this area." It was so sensing to my soul as if Kalam ji is giving me a task.
Immediately on returning from station (without even taking a bath), I drew Kalam ji's sketch and written above lines on it, got it framed and had placed it over my chair in my office. It was a coincidence that I drew that sketch on the same day Shri Kalam ji took an oath as The President of India (25.07.2002)
My vision about our product range and its role in nation building was enlightened thru those words in that book. We have grown eversince and are trying to grow even in this difficult situation of drastic price hike in LDO (+70% within a year) and other raw materials (+50% on an average). You can visit us at www.khyaticeramics.
I am not a Businessman by heart. I am a patriot and a dutiful son to my family and to my nation.
I have not taken any classes for drawing (were not available in that village) but one day during vacations in Kolkata, my mother gave me a picture of Gandhiji and asked me to draw while she went for her bath. When she returned, her eyes were happy with tears – she discovered an artist in me. I was in class 2 then.
With very best regards,
Shaurya Shah -- |
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