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To realise the developed India by 2020
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Dear Friends, Here's the link to the first issue of the e-Governance newsletter, "ECzITe" " Empowering Citizens through Information Technology" published by by ELCOT/TNeGA, for your kind perusal and feedback. The next issue is on the PDS. The newsletter will cover one department every month. With warm regards Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS., MD, ELCOT, & CEO, TNeGA Govt. of Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600035 044-42152200(ELCOT) 044-24336643(TNeGA) 99404-74863 (Per),,, |
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CHAITANYA the business strategist
B-105, Om Sree Sai Society
Nerul (west), NAVI MUMBAI, 400706 INDIA
Hi allRecently, there was a discussion in prpoint group about the various management and communication strategies in ancient Indian literatures and epics. There was a discussion about the strategies used in Ramayana and Mahabarata. Also, the members pointed out the tips provided by Chankaya and Thiruvalluvar.During the discussion, Dr C V N Reddy, one of the senior communication professionals from Hyderabad suggested that why should I not take up writing about the tips provided in Thirukkural.
Thirukkural was written 2000 years back by Saint Thiruvalluvar. In 1330 couplets (known as Kural), Thiruvalluvar talks about many management and human principles. Each Kural has only 7 words with 25 to 30 characters. Probably, when Twitter with 140 characters was introduced, the whole world got excited. But Thiruvalluvar has conveyed great principles in 7 words even 2000 years back.As suggested by Dr Reddy, I am making an honest attempt to write about the management and communication strategies and tips provided by Saint Thiruvalluvar. Thirukkural is a big ocean with lot of valuable treasure inside. Though I do not consider myself competent to understand the great meanings of Thirukkural, I am only making an humble and honest attempt to share my views with others, whatever little I have understood. Please visit the following links:1. Maintain comfortable distance with CEO2. Four aspects of personal communicationI plan to write three posts every week. You may keep visiting the site or subscribe through email from the subscription box given in that site.I always hold the view that our Indian ancient Gurus have communicated to us better strategies, than even the foreign authors. Probably, we have not explored their greatness. With all humility, let us try to explore them to the best possible way.You may kindly send your views and suggestions to me personally.SrinivasanPrime Point91766 50273
Dear Sir,
I’m now an year old proud companion of Sir Kalam’s India Vision group. In this very occasion of World Humanitarian Day I would like to bring forward an issue which I feel should have been dealt with much sensibly.
Recently I had come across one of the Girl Child Rehabilitation / Orphanage home Named BAHGIRATHI SHILPASRAM, P.O. – BHAGIRATHI SILPASRAM, SHIMURALI, DIST. – NADIA, WEST BENGAL, INDIA, Pin – 741224, that works under the Registration U/S 25 of Companies Act, with Certificate of Incorporation No. 16199 /1012 of year 1947 – 48.
I really felt ashamed of myself to declare me as a responsible citizen of Indian Republic when I personally visualized the condition of this noble organization. They constitute around 350 No of girl child collected from various agencies ( like Government Rehabilitation department, local police station, hospitals and even the people who are unable to bear the orientation charges of their children).
Govt. of West Bengal Provide a pre-settled amount for each child which is again too less to even provide them two time food.
They had approached for Central Govt. Grant for REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTES for the year 2008-09 and also 2009 – 10. This organization had received the this same grant last for the year 2007-08. But due to some un-known superficial reason same is not been disbursed for this two years now despite of due recommendations from the Govt. Of West Bengal. I’m attaching the copies of the same recommendations also in this mail.
I was there on 15th Aug with those children and kept on abusing myself for not able to do any favour to this underprivileged deprived lot of our nation. We were celebrating our 64th anniversary of Independence, but does it really fair enough to depict it in that fashion.
My humble to request to all group member to extend every possible help to this ailing institute, so that it can continue with the noble work it is trying to comply with it’s one of the finest lot of people associated with them.
With Warm Regards to All
Indu Bhusan Chakraborty
Executive Director
Arunachal Pradesh Power Corp. Pvt. Ltd
Mob - 09436898288
Attachment(s) from INDU
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Dear all, Greetings from London! Today August 19 is World Humanitarian day, the day will raise awareness of what it means to be a humanitarian aid worker by describing thier work, explaining the principles that guide all humanitarians and portraying the hazards that humanitarian aid workers face in the course of thier work. World Humanitarian Day will also honour those who have been killed or injured in the course of their work. Humanitarian Principles represent the foundation of humanitarian action. Key humanitarian principles include: Humanity Neutrality Impartiality Operational Independence Humanitarian Aid workers network is trually a global network, its collection of global citizens who make a simple, small contribution, trying to make a differnence in this world. Hundreds of Indian's are in this work,across the globe doing this work so passionatly. I am not sure how many of them are aware of this day. Please share this information about today Kind regards Ganesh Ramachandran |
Source : Deccan Chronicle 15th August 2010
` My Independence Day message to our people is: `Gain Confidence' . Everyone should feel `I can do it' . `I can do it' will lead to `We can do it' . `We ` can do it' will lead to `India can do it' ... And we will achieve Vision 2020 goals easily
The message that former President DR A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM would like to send out to the people on the occasion of Independence Day is "Gain Confidence". In an interview to SYED AKBAR, the scientistteacher says India should have a vision to inspire people to dream, and that only a vision for the nation will connect people. He urges that we move away from "political politics" to "development politics", and make fundamental recommendations for enhancing primary education. The nuclear scientist in Dr Kalam believes that in 10 or 15 years there could be "some good results" in the area of getting power from nuclear fusion which can take care of the world's energy needs forever. The nation should have a vision to inspire people to dream, irrespective of their affiliation. To face challenges, there must be a vision to ensure focused action. A vision for the nation will connect people. The political system is nothing but political politics plus development politics. Once elections are over, importance should be given to the politics of development, rather than political politics. One should think of how to develop the nation. Political politics should occupy just 30 per cent of our time while 70 per cent of the time should be given to the politics of development.
Both at state and the Centre, importance should be given to growth and development.
Q. You have always spoken of empowering the young through education, and your new book further elaborates this theme. Do we need to change the type of education we impart in schools and colleges, or should we just try to expand the coverage of the present pattern of literacy and education in the country?
A. The important milestone achieved in our education system is the legislation on Right to Education. It will lead to free and compulsory education for children up to 14 years of age. It will change the literacy pattern in the country. Primary education needs reforms. There should be creative classrooms with creativity in focus. It should not be exam-oriented.
If there's high creativity at the early school level, it will have a good impact on secondary and higher education. We should have the motto of "teachingresearch-teaching". Bring experienced professors to schools from universities on rotation basis to teach primary students. I feel primary education should get priority.
Q. Vision 2020 was something you liked to speak about in terms of making India a developed country. We are only a decade from there. Do you believe that is enough lead time? How should these 10 years be used best? What should be the priority areas for national attention?
A. The gross domestic product is 8.5 per cent at present. The government wants to increase it to a minimum 10 per cent by 2011. This will have a great impact on various sectors, including agriculture, education, information and communication technology, industry and infrastructure.
My Independence Day message to our people is: "Gain Confidence". Everyone should feel "I can do it". "I can do it" will lead to "We can do it". "We can do it" will lead to "India can do it". We must have the confidence to do it. We will achieve the Vision 2020 goals easily. But the important factor is creating confidence.
Q. The neighbourhood we live in is both unsafe and unstable. The internal politics in countries that are on our doorstep can easily cause problems for us. Is domestic growth within the country possible if we don't take steps to stop negative impetus from these countries becoming a road-block for us? How best can we calm our neighbours' nerves?
A. If Europe can form European Union (EU) after fighting so many wars, why can't South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) countries establish cordial ties? Today EU has a Parliament of 23 nations.
Their aim is peace and prosperity. The enemies for India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are poverty, disease and unemployment. Just like the EU, our Saarc can emerge stronger. We should make Saarc a purposeful venue with prosperity, development and peace as focus. After all, people want peace and prosperity.
Q. How do you see the state of India's defences and the state of its military preparedness in the light of current threat perceptions?
A. Our armed forces always stand with strength when India needs them. I feel we should reinforce them at the right time with the right force, so that we should not be left unprepared, when the situation demands.
Q. Many think that coalition governments have come to stay. Do you agree?
A. I am a believer in the twoparty system. At best three. We need electoral reforms. Members elected should focus on development politics. When this happens, there's little time left for political politics. Then the multi-party system will go.
Q. Do you regret not getting a second term as President? Do you think that politicians prevented it despite the huge public support you enjoyed?
A. Before becoming President, I was a teacher. When the offer came, I took up the task primarily with the focus on Vision 2020. For five years I did the best I could. The love of teaching brought me back to teaching.
Q. Would you have accepted a second term if this were feasible?
A. I told you that I love teaching.
Q. And your message to the youth on Independence Day?
A. Citizens should develop righteousness in the heart.
When there is righteousness in the heart, there's beauty in the character. When there's beauty in the character, there's harmony in the home. Harmony at home will create order in the nation, which will ultimately create peace in the world.