Its really wonderful!
Congatulations to Suyam Team!
--- In India_Vision_
> Dear Suyam Team
> Our heart felt congratulations on your acheivement. As
Mr.Srinivsasan said, it is not a easy maintaning the home with such
high quality standards but for your dedication.
> You are a source of great inspiration to all! India Vision group
is proud of your team!
> Great going!
> Regards
> shiva
> "k.k pande" <pandekk@...
> Congratulations to the efforts. I am sure such teams of
volunteers across the country are making and will continue to make
the difference in the life of many who are being left out. It is
these efforts that will really make India developed.
> My best wishes and regards to the team
> On 4/15/08, Prime Point Srinivasan <prpoint@...
> dear friends
> Suyam Charitable Trust, is running a montessori school at
Chennnai to provide education to around 260 poor children. More than
50 percent of these children are 'street children', who do not have
any support. The trust was started by young college students Uma
and Muthuraman in 1999 and with the support of many donors, friends,
students, they are able to sustain their project. Suyam runs 'Siragu
Montessori School' to educate these unfortunate children.
> Akzo Nobel is a Netherlands based leading paint company. Their
CSR initiatives are ranked No 2 in the world. They support around
550 projects world over in 45 countries with 2500 volunteers. Every
year, they select 15 projects across the globe for the Best
Practices. Again, the volunteers vote and select three best projects
(out of this 15). These 3 projects get cash awards to imprve the
> Siragu Montessori School has been selected by them for the second
prize. Last week, Senior Directors from Netherlands visited Chennai
to present the cash awards of EUR 20000 to Suyam.
> It may be recalled that we had carried an article in Indian
Vision site and India Vision group (both maintained and moderated by
Prime Point Foundation) about them five years back as "Unsung
Heroes". Suyam is also a partner organisation with India Vision
> We are proud that one of our partner organisations has been
recognised internationally. Please read the report in the following
link: Let us all congratulate Suyam for bringing glory and pride to
> http://prpoint.
> They can be reached at suyam.awake07@
> Srinivasan
> moderator
> --
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