My dear friends,
Regarding Platics,I have read your Anti-Plastic Item in India-Vision with avid interest. I am also a supporter of least use of Plastic Bags.Also The 3 "r"s Reduce,re-use, re-cycle" apply to Plastics on a Major Scale. I do carry these bags for re-use as many times as possible till they are completely unfit for further use. The family members, however, feel that only one man doing this is not going to make any dent.
You may be aware of the 1 litre and half-litre Milk Sachets. I and a Group of my Friends buy used Sachets from Market and try to raise avenue-tree saplings and Plant them Freely. We also distribute Free Saplings to all Tree-Lovers. this scheme can be extended to all (strong)Polythene Bags as well.
2) There is a Chemical Engineer by name Mrs Alka Zadgaonkar residing in Nagpur. She has invented the process of Manufacturing Crude Oil out of this waste Plastics. If people can be taught how to convert their waste into Money, they may perhaps happily listen to you and me and try to save Mother Earth. You can visit <www.goodnewsindia.
Kindly spread your good thought to as many people on this World Earth Day.
As for me ,I am one who practises Tree-planting in Poly-Bags
(Extract from Web-site")" Let us address some of the questions that are already popping up in your mind. Zadgaonkar's is not a demo -plant running on some government grant or subsidy. They took a commercial loan from the State Bank of India in 2005 and have already begun paying back. In fact, the government let them down and Zadgaonkars decided to flex the great Indian entrepreneurial muscle
The process invented and patented by Alka Zadgaonkar is capable of accepting all tribes and castes of plastic waste as input: carry bags, broken buckets and chairs, PVC pipes, CDs, computer keyboards and other eWaste, the horrible, aluminized crinkly bags of the kind that pack crisps, expanded polystyrene [the abominable 'thermocole'
No preparatory cleaning is necessary either, except shredding that helps economic transport of bulky waste. All solids and metal fines settle down in the melting process or are converted to ash.
Chlorinated plastics like PVC are particularly hazardous to burn because they emit dioxins. In the Alka Zadgaonkar process, the entire shredded mixture is melted at a low temperature and led to a de-gasification stage. Here chlorine is led away to harmlessly bubble through water, producing hydrochlorous acid."
This may kindly be given wide publicity so that PLASTIC WASTES could be converted to some useful substitute in stead of clogging Mother water/ Mother Earth's Lung-space.
Please visit <www.goodnewsindia.
M. Sundararaman Tel# 044--24461660;
9 Coastal Road ., BESANT NAGAR; CHENNAI 90

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