hai..very good tought...and i know the numbers have made me 2 think about it....what i personally feel is that each individual must start taking small 2 steps on their own ...like not throwing these plastic bags outside but 2 dispose them in one garbage box.try encouraging people to sale paper bags instead of plastic bags...among us whosoever is a businessmen must increase the production of paper n other easily composable materials...
i really feel we all must start thinkg upon this and "one persons action can change change the destiny of whole nation"
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:18 PM, ashakranthi nandigam <ashakranthi@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi All,One of my friends recently was sharing about a community project she had taken up as part of a program she is doing. Her project is about reducing the amount of plastic usage. I went to buy groceries to the super market the other day and as a thought process wanted to do some maths. Correct me if you feel it does not reflect the complete picture.Lets assume each family on an average uses 5 plastic bags(2 thick ones and 3 thin ones) a week to buy groceries, then in a year it uses 52*5 = 260 plastic bags. Imagine 100 families visit a supermarket every week and there are 100 supermarkets in hyderabad we are using 100*100*260 plastic bags per year ie 26 lakhs of plastic bags in hyderabad alone on a conservative approach. This is not taking into consideration the other reasons for which we use plastic.I read that the thin plastic bags(here about 5.2lakhs of plastic bags consumption a year) used in grocery shops take 1 million years to decompose and as we all know plastic is a material which does not allow water or anything to seep through. Plastic thrown around will not decompose soon and it will not allow water to seep into the ground below. And this has an adverse impact on the ground and the ecosystem around.After looking at the maths I was thinking about what can be done to reduce that. Also I thought I will share this with you all. Maybe the numbers might cause everyone to actually start thinking about where each one of us can play a role in these matters.Any inputs in this matter I would love to hear.CheersAsha.
Ashakranthi Nandigam
The Possibility of Love, Enthusiasm, Courage and Leadership.
I stand for everyone fully self expressed, embracing the unknown and loving life.
Life is 'precious',enjoy every pal.....
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