Dear All, I'm glad to inform that We Team Everest finished conducting Everest talent search competitions to 1lakh+ students. We have covered 1,10,218 students in 385 schools so far. Please continue to read below to know more about Everest and our Everest Talent Search Competition initiative: About Everest. Everest was started in August, 2006 after I started my career in the IT sector. Everest was my dream from college days. The team name 'Everest' and the Everest logo was decided during the 4th year of my engineering, when no team called Everest exists! So, after I got on to my job, I started building the team. Our first activity was to collect around Rs4000 from 4 people who contributed from their first month salary and donate uniforms and notebooks to few students in a rural school. From there on, we have grown from strength to strength. More than 2 years have passed away and now we have 3000+ helping hands in Everest. Our major focus is on education. We have carried out more than 300+ community service till date. Our activities are not just restricted within chennai. We carry out activities in all parts of India wherever our volunteers are from. Most of our activities happen in rural parts of Tamilnadu. What is ETSC? Everest Talent Search Competitions (ETSC) is conducted in under privileged schools where enough chances are not given to the students to expose their talents. ETSC's goal is to reach 1lakh students within one year. Why ETSC?? Everest talent search competition is launched in order to give a platform for young students of India to exhibit their talents. ETSC's target are schools where a lot of under privileged students study. I studied in a Govt aided school in a village and I didn't get enough opportunities to expose my extra curricular skills. When I entered my professional life, I thought why shouldn't I bring out the talents of young kids. That's how the concept of Everest Talent Search competitions evolved and I'm glad that we reached 1lakh students now In most of the schools, rarely students get opportunity to expose their extracurricular skills. Only during Independence day or Republic day, few competitions are conducted and not every child gets an equal opportunity to participate in competitions. For competitions like essay and speech competitions, teachers invite students who do well in academics so that they do well in competitions too. A big constraint for Govt schools is to give prizes for the winners. They are dependent on the PTA incharge of the school who gets prizes for students on special occasion. This by itself adds pressure to the school staffs to distribute prizes to all top performers. With little funds available to motivate top performers, they have no chance to encourage those who participated in competitions. Through ETSC, we gave certificates to all who participated in competitions. What we did? With the help of 250 Everest volunteers we reached our goal of conducting competitions to 1 lakh students. So far, we have conducted competitions in 385 schools and 1,10,218 students participated in our competitions. Still a lot more volunteers are interested to conduct ETSC in their native. 95% of the schools which we covered are Govt/ Panchayat/ Corporation schools.. I have provided a few statistics about ETSC below:
What is special in ETSC? 1. We reached many remote villages of India. Since many of our volunteers are from different parts of India, we got a chance to conduct competitions in schools from different geographical locations. 2. A student who participates in a competition is one step ahead of those who didn't participate. In our world, we encourage and appreciate only the winners and forget to appreciate the participants. Because of this trend, students think that only winning is important and not participating. Hence, the no of students who participates in extracurricular activities have gone down. If we encourage participants, we can seed a thought in them that participating is as important as winning!! Hence, through ETSC, we gave certificates to all who participated in our competitions.
3. Many of our volunteers conducted competitions in the school where they studied! It is a great inspiration for students to see their Alumni having a good job and coming back to their own school to help the students.
Our other activities in a nutshell: We have carried out more than 300+ community service in the past which includes paying fees for a college/school students, distributing uniforms, notebooks, have done cleanliness campaigns, movie screening in schools & orphanages, puppet and magic shows in schools as well as orphanages, etc. Everest motivational prizes We selected 1 school from each district of Tamil Nadu which means we selected 31 schools from 31 districts and announced motivational prizes for top 3 class toppers for quarterly, half-yearly and annual examinations. Through this initiative 6000 students from 31 schools will be benefitted every year. Everest quote of the day (EQOD) Through this initiative we, team Everest would like to motivate our Everest helping hands with an inspiring quote every morning. The EQOD subscribers will get an inspiring quote in their mailboxes every morning. We have 2500+ subscribers for this initiative. Everest Positive (E+) The ultimate goal of E+ is to build positive India. We collect positive news from various magazines/newspaper Contact details: C.Kartheeban, Founder – Team Everest, Contact no: 9940299062 E-Mail: teameverest@ Website: www.teameverest. Thanks and Regards, Kartheeban Serve Others and Bring Meaning to Your Life. |
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