Dear Friends,
Outputs and Strategies
The proposed interventions will be made under the overall framework the Programme of Action (1992) of the National Policy on Education (1986), and the People with Disabilities Act (1996).
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, will be the nodal agency coordinating the activities.
- Enrolment and retention of all children with disabilities in the mainstream education system. [Free and compulsory education from 0 to 14 under draft Bill / free education 0 to18 yrs under PWD Act]).
- Providing need based educational and other support in mainstream schools to children in order for them to develop their learning and abilities, through appropriate curricula, organizational arrangements, teaching strategies, resource use and partnership with their communities.
- Support higher and vocational education through proper implementation of the existing reservation quota in all educational institutions and creation of barrier free learning environments.
- Disability focussed research and interventions in universities and educational institutions.
Output No. 1 : Enrolment and retention of all children with disabilities in the mainstream education system. [Free and compulsory education from 0 to 14 under draft Bill / free education 0 to18 yrs under PWD Act]).
Strategic Intervention:
1.1 Review implementation of existing programmes, provisions to identify factors leading to success or failure of the drive towards enrollment and retention of children with disabilities in mainstream educational settings. Address administrative issues arising out of review.
1.2 Generating awareness in the general community, persons in the education field and more specifically among parents and children with disability that the disabled have full rights to appropriate education in mainstream schools and that it is the duty of those involved in administration at every level including schools to ensure that they have access to education.
1.3 Ensure enrollment and intervention for all children with special needs in the age group 0-6 years in Early Childhood Care and Education Programs
1.4 Facilitate free and compulsory elementary education for children with special needs in the age group 6-14 (extendable to 18 yrs.) in mainstream education settings currently under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
1.5 Facilitate transition of young persons with disability wishing to pursue secondary education.
1.6 Ensuring physical access for children and youth with disabilities in schools and educational institutions by enforcing the requirement for provisions of universal design in buildings and provide support in transportation
Output No. 2 : Providing need based educational and other support in mainstream schools to children in order for them to develop their learning and abilities, through appropriate curricula, organizational arrangements, teaching strategies, resource use and partnership with their communities.
Strategic Interventions:
2.1 Development of national norms for Inclusive Education, to set standards of implementation, training, monitoring and evaluation for the programme.
2.2 Provide inputs in all pre service and in service training for mainstream and special education teachers to enable them to work with children with disability in an inclusive education system.
2.3 Appropriate Resource services support through appointment of special educators, rehab professionals, provision of resource room, etc to support mainstream schoolteachers in the classrooms.
2.4 Put in place an effective communication and delivery system for specific delivery of teaching/ learning material, aids and appliances, hardware/ software.
2.5 Participation in sports, co-curricular activities, to promote all round ability development
Output No. 3: Support higher and vocational education through proper implementation of the existing reservation quota in all educational institutions and creation of barrier free learning environments.
Strategic Interventions:
3.1 Ensuring physical access for young persons with disabilities (18 plus age group) in all colleges and educational institutions by enforcing the requirement for provisions of universal design in buildings and provide support in transportation
3.2 Facilitate College and / or vocational education for young persons with disability through proper implementation of existing reservation quota and provision of support for educational material and during examinations.
Output No. 4 : Disability focussed research and interventions in universities and educational institutions.
Strategic Interventions:
4.1 Setting up of centres for disability studies and chair of disability studies in universities
4.2 Supporting research in areas related to inclusive practice
Suresh Gutta
Programe Manager - Inclusive Education
Aide et Action Hyderabad
A key issue pertaining to blind people in professional courses and higher education, is the question of copyright over various books, and its impact on limiting the material available in braille. An expert on this issue is Dr Prabuddha Ganguly, I am copying this mail to him. He might want to share his thoughts.
Barun2009/7/1 Prime Point Srinivasan < >
dear friendsJust now, I saw a news item in Bihar Times that Dr Abdul Kalam will attend a mega workshop on the eradication of blindness to be organized in Patna on July 16-17. According to the director in chief, health service, Shatrughan Prasad Singh, Dr Kalam will deliver a key-note address in the two-day meeting organized by Vision 2020 India. The health department of Bihar is extending supporting to the programme.Yesterday, one of my friends told me over phone that the leading Universities like Indira Gandhi Open University, Madras University, Anna University, etc. do not admit blind people for higher education and they do not have the proper supporting system. There are lot of blind students, who are highly intelligent, who are not able to pursue their education.Actually, i was thinking of meeting one or two such students this week to study extent to which Indian Universities support blind people for their higher education. I wanted to take up with Dr Kalam on behalf of our group. I was pleasantly surprised to see the report that Dr Kalam will be addressing the workshop on blindness at Patna.I request members to share their views immediately (before Friday), as to the support provided by the Indian Universities for blind people. If you do not want to reveal your identity, please send your mail to me privately. I will take only the information.Members who are in other countries may also kindly share as to how Universitiesin those countries treat the blind students. On behalf of India Vision Group, let us submit a brief note to Dr Abdul Kalam for his perusal. If there is some system flaw, we can request Dr Kalam to take up with our Prime Minister at personal level.SrinivasanModerator

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