Dear friends (Under copy to Banking Division, RBI Deputy Governor and MD of State Bank of Mysore and Consumers Association of India) On behalf of our online discussion groups, we have taken up several common issues concerning the general public successfully. Many of them found their way to mainline media, leading to solutions. Very recently, you may remember that we took up the case of ATM Claims. When one of our members used HDFC ATM machine with Kotak Mahindra Bank ATM card, the cash was not dispensed, but his account was debited. The Banks told the customer that they would take 45 days to settle the claim. When we started debating the issue and brought this issue to Ms Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor of RBI, she took up immediately and issued directions to all the Banks to settle the ATM claims within 13 days, failing which the concerned Banks would be penalised with penalty. Now, we are taking up another serious issue where Bank customers in India are harassed with the indifference of Banks. Return of cheques, when sufficient balance available in the a/c Immediately, At this stage, he called me and explained the whole issue. He was terribly under tension, as his reputation was lost due to the fault of the Bank. Adding insult, the Zonal Office and the MD Office of the Bank were not also responsive. At this stage, I suggested him to send a mail to Ms Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor of RBI, who is taking care of customer grievances at RBI level for the entire country. The copies were marked to Zonal Office and MD office. As any one can expect, within 10 minutes of receiving the copy of the mail, the same Secretary As of now, the Electricity Board will black list him and will demand penalty from Mr Venkataraman On behalf of this Forum, I am now endorsing a copy to Ms Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor of RBI, Joint Secretary to the Banking Division of Govt. of India and also to the MD of the Bank. I am including Consumers Association of India in the loop. . This instance is only tip of the iceberg. Everyday, hundreds of innocent customers are harassed like this by all the Banks. Electricity Board officials have also informed Mr Venkataraman that every day they face such problems, like Bankers returning the cheques inspite of sufficient funds. When a cheque for small amount gets returned, (even when there is sufficient funds in the Bank), it may cause greater damage to the reputation of the person. Smaller the amount, greater the reputation loss. Since many customers do not escalate the complaints, they suffer in silence due to the arrogance of such officials, including the higher offices. In this particular case, since the matter was taken up with RBI level, the Bank got panicky. I request the readers to imagine themselves OUR REQUEST TO RBI - LEVY PENALTY TO THE BANKS In the interest of millions of hapless and voiceless bank customers who suffer in silence at the hands of officials, RBI should consider levying huge penalty to the Banks, if they return cheques when there is sufficient funds in their account, particularly when the cheques are drawn in favour of Electricity Board, Telephones, Tax Authorities, etc. The penalty to the Banks should also be of the order of 10 to 15 lakhs, particularly when the cheque is returned for small amounts. As said earlier, when small cheques are returned, the damage to the reputation is enormous. Hence, the need for heavy penalty to the Banks. A part of the penalty is to be recovered from the concerned erring officials, including the Managing Director of the Bank. (RBI has already issued directions in the case of ATM claims. If the claims are not settled within 13 days, RBI can impose penalty). I request the members to share the views. While replying please endorse copies to all, so that Banking Division, RBI and the State Bank of Mysore MD and Consumers Association of India may also be kept in the loop of our discussions. Let us hope this case study brings a good solution. Srinivasan
One of our Members Mr Venkataraman and his family members are maintaining accounts with State Bank of Mysore, Chennai-Shastrinaga
Then he called up the Chennai Zonal office of the Bank to inform about this. The officials did not connect him to Asst. General Manager or Dy. General Manager of the Zone, under the pretext, they were in a 'meeting'. The office connected to a Chief Manager (lady), to whom he explained the problems. She was not sympathetic. except saying 'sorry'. She even refused to identify her name. She was not showing any interest to help the customer.
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