Dear Friends
On June 27,2009 Action2020 team held Unconference at IIT chennai. During the daylong event we discussed various aspects of project execution. Detailed proceedings can be found in the attached pdf file ..
Agenda / Proceedings 1. Registeration and Introduction 2. Dr. Kalam Message – Speech given to IA& 2007 batch at Missouri 3. Message from IIT Director and Dean 4. Rotary Observation and support 5. Detailed Discussion on Focus area & project execution. 6. Mr. Ponraj and his message 7. Mr. Santhosh Babu's visit and his message 8. Our conclusions
Main focus of discussion:
Past 6 months we have been working together and executed a couple of projects. So our main intention was to review the situation & also to decide on major areas we all would be working on !!
So the proceedings of our discussions were mainly :
a) To identify – Core areas to concentrate b) Classify core areas into sub-groups with Lead teams c) Discuss on project Methodology/
a) Focus area identification - During registeration itself priority for focus area was obtained - The result showed that 90%+ preferred education, followed by Rural development – Env, Infra, Employment generation - Mainly discussion went into identifying various aspects of education themselves. - Many points came about. But here are key points which came up. The list (in excel sheet)shows the perception of various groups on Educational projects - This was the key exercise to identify top most priority – Focus area - Other priority are include Rural development – Environment, Infrastructure, Employment generation
b) Classification into core teams - The above (a) focus area discussion led to classification of many of above into sub-groups - The sub-groups identified/ along with lead groups are - The responsibility of Educational focus groups are : 1. Decide on the incoming proposal 2. Help other groups execute projects relating to this classifications 3. Design a long term project plan for execution. 4. Constituent groups also will help in all aspects of execution of projects. - The subgroup teams can meet as required to execute / discuss further plan of action.
c) Project Execution(Proposal to execution) 1. Before getting the proposal , its authenticity to have been verified by proposing group – either by visiting/Reliable sources 2. Details – Right from reason to its execution plan is to be proposed. 3. The sub-group lead groups will decide on the feasibility of projects and analyze the same. 4. Usually the proposing group is assumed lead for the project, but if other groups are willing, then by consensus it becomes leadership 5. Other groups partner along with lead groups. 6. Lead group responsible to execution, implementation and also monitoring the project. 7. Lead group will be one point contact for particular project.
Attached excel sheet has the project sub-grouping , their constituent groups & also lead groups !! All the future projects(atleast until next meet) we will be following the same pattern.
Ideally we would like 4 projects each one from classification(
Rotary Club Participation as observers / Proposal - Rotary club of East were observers for all of the discussions. - Have vocationally trained candidates to be used for various projects if required. - Will fund viable and sustainable projects. - In that case Action2020 team will take full responsibility for the same.
Conclusions 1) We have sub-divided the points discussed into 5 groups and ask the NGO to fit them into the group were their activities fall under . Then 2 NGO's took up the responsibility of the group .These NGO's will be a single point of Contact regarding the projects done under the group.The list of NGO's who took the responsibility are
BASIC - Saraal and Dream India INFORMAL - RRI and YHM TRAINING AND COUNSELLING - Friends For Life INFRASTRUCTURE - Payir and BFI COMMUNICATION - RRI and Friends For Life
2) It was decided that the 5 groups will meet once in a 2 months to discuss about the work done. 3)The next Unconference will be conducted in jan 2010
Thanks to people Involved
Pro. Ananth (Director, IIT), Prof. Chandy (Dean, IIT), Mr S Rajsekar (National Agro Foundation), Mr V Ponraj (Advisor to Dr Abdul Kalam) Dr Santhosh Babu IAS (Mg. Director, Electronic Corporation of Tamilnadu) Rtn. Meenakshi Sundaram (Rotary East) and others participated and shared the views. IIT, Chennai hosted this event |
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