(Moderator's Note: Pl respond only to the author of the mail. Do not respond to the group)
Hi friends one of my friend had designed a software for maintaining the blood donor data base in your phone.It has been designed in all the supporting formats like windows symbian and java.We had a plan of collecting a data base and loading it in the software and publishing it in the web for everyone to download it.The software would be updated once in every 3 months.When we discussed this thing with srinivasan sir he said THE DONORS might face a problem of contnuous calls as the database is updated once in 3 months.we gave a suggestion that the donor can send a msg as soon as he donates so that it would be easy for us to update and avoid the donor from being contacted.so pls come out with your opinions so that we can make an advancement in this softwareThe software is under construction now.The entire software will completed before october 2nd in all software platforms.we showed the TRIAL SOFTWARE to srinivasan sir after installing it in a windows based mobile phone.We need voluntary blood donor database so that it would be helpful for us to keep the software updated and help people in pain.so do reply soon
thank you
warm regards

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