The singles finals of the IndianOil Golden Jubilee ITF Junior Tennis Tournament (being held in Honour of Bharat Ratna C Subramaniam) will be held at 10.00 AM tomorrow (ie Sat, 12th Sept 2009) at TTT courts, YMCA College of Physical Education, Nandanam, Chennai. This will be followed by the Prize Distribution Ceremony.
An exciting fare is in the offing in the boys' section with R Ramkumar (a TTT trainee) meeting Saurabh Singh, last year's winner and a protégé of the Apollo Tyres' Mission 2018, for the title.
In the girls' singles finals, Tarrannum Handa (Delhi) takes on Sharon Paul (Tamilnadu), in what promises to be an equally exciting match.
Mr D S L Prasad, Executive Director, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, will be the Chief Guest.
I will feel happy if you can make it to the finals.
With warm regards,
S S Rajsekar
Chennai Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd
481-A Mount Road, Chennai 600 035
Tel: +91 44 42131237(office)
Fax: +91 44 2431 0050
Mobile: +91 9841052212

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