09848812031 & 09440814604
Hyderabad, AP, India
Really this is a fantastic issue. Twitter is very powerful communicating tool. I am also using twitter I do know power of twitter. This is great concept in communication world. I am very much excited to learn that PR-e-Sense is doing such a great job in field of communication. This type of work is very important for them who are studding in communication and PR. Over all the issue is very effective. The issue provides detailed knowledge of twitter, that who is changing the style and way of communications. In the edition Cartoon by Mr. Triambak Sharma on twitter is very effective. Article by Deep Sharhen titled Marketing @ Twitter is very informative. Congratulations to entire team of PR-e-Sense.
Rusen Kumar
On 01/09/2009, Prime Point Srinivasan < > wrote:[Attachment(s) from Prime Point Srinivasan included below]
Hi friends
Twitter as one of the leading micro blogging tools, has changed the way of communication. The upper limit of 140 characters, has created more opportunities for the people to use this tool directly and through various gadgets like mobile, blackberry, etc. Twitter had more than 23 million unique visitors during July 09 with a growth rate of 950% over one year.
We are pleased to release the August 09 issue of ezine on Twitter. In this issue, we have attempted to give some basic ideas about the usage of Twitter, how this can be used in Government establishments, corporate houses, etc. We have attempted to make this as a guide for newbies. We have ensured thateven the people with the basic knowledge of internet and email, can understand about Twitter. Twitter can be used for governance, customer care, customer feedback, crisis management, etc.
The ezine may be downloaded from
Podcast on Twitter may be listened from
Please forward this ezine to your contacts. Please send your comments and suggestions to editor (at)
If you are having Twitter account, you may follows us @prpoint. If you do not have Twitter account, you can simply visit and create an account within a minute and start following the people of your interest.
CAUTION: Do not share any of the sensitive information like bank details, bank a/c passwords, etc. through Twitter (even through direct message). . Only information which can be shared with public may be posted through Twitter.
SrinivasanEditor-in-ChiefPR-e-Sense91766 50273
Rusen Kumar,
Public Relations Department
Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.
Post Box No.-16
Kharsia Road, Raigarh-496001
Mobile no-09827477507

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