dear ishu
I appreciate your efforts in popularising the vision 2020 amongst your
college students. I also agree with shailendra for spreading ten
point oath of Dr kalam amongst the youth.
Please visit the following links. These are the inteviews taken by us
from Dr Kalam exclusively for our India Vision group (already
published in Vandemataram ezine duringAugust 2007)
Please visit these links and you can download these audio and make the
youth/students to take the oath. You can suitably play Dr Kalam's
voice at the background,(
appear as though, Dr Kalam is administering the oath to your students
directly in his own voice.
If you need any further guidance, please write to me offline.
--- In India_Vision_
> hai sir,
> you r doing a very good job indeed pls spread the ten point oath to
the yoyth of dr.kalam to the students i hope it will be very good
> best wishes
> bye sir.
> m.shailendra (IV 2020 member)
Dear friends,
I have chosen VISION 2020 as the theme for the
march-past of our college sports day. Being the captain i have to
depict the theme and convey the message to all the students. I have
taken this oppurtunity to spread positive thoughts about vision 2020
among my college students. Please send me any idea that can make
students understand the importance of VISION 2020. Plz reply

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