To realise the developed India by 2020

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Re: [India_Vision_2020] Re: An Unsung Hero - Runs learning centre for poor

Dear sir,
I am very happy to hear this....And also very eager to see his works towards the development of our great nation.... We all don't stop just to see their good works....Also we have to participate in some good moves.....Just create a spark in our fellow citizens & keep that spark as a great fire....

Thanking you all,

Proud to be an Indian,

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:57 PM, gayathrinayakj <> wrote:

THats such a nice effort by him!have no words! feels good too see such

Gayathri Nayak

--- In, Shiva Pas <shivapas@...> wrote:
> Dear All
> On sunday(Mar 16,2008) myself & Uday visited Tirupattur in
Vellore District, TamilNadu. The main purpose of the visit was to see
the learning centre being run by One Saravanan & his team.
> BackGround :
> The main idea for the tution/learning centre(Manam Malarattum
trust) is to give enthusiastic & bright Govt schools from Rural areas
more coaching for enabling them score more in 12th exams. The centre
is located in Tirupattur caters to surrounding villages - Mittor,
Kursilapattu, Kunichi, Kuruberi, Jayapuram.
> The group has been running the centre "FREE OF COST " to these
poor Rural students. FOr past 4-5 years they have been running this
centre. Over the years they have been supporting many enngg students,
nursing, teacher training to poor students who successfully came
of this tution centre.
> In summer, (Apr, May)classes are organised daily while during
acedemic times, in the weekend(2 days a week). During summer some
students are even given bus pass(school students pass free in TN only
to-fro in home-school route & no pass during summer holidays) Cost is
300/head for 2 months of bus pass.
> Their future aim is to build a model school which gives free &
quality education to rural students
> take a look at these Photos :
> We are very proud of saravanan & his team on excellent work.
> India Sudar will undertake to fund 3 teachers for the tution
centre there.
> Students on Dr.Kalam - Memorable experience
> I asked the students if they all know what is Vision 2020. Almost
all the hands went up. Then I stressed further asking one of the girl
students to answer me.
> " What has Dr.Kalam said on Vision 2020?"
> "India can be a developed country by 2020 if we all work together.?"
> (I was already amazed by the answer, never realising she is going
to surprise me even
> more)
> "So what is a developed country??"
> (Without hestiation I got these 3 answers)
> "1) People should be got above the poverty line.
> 2) Good health care for all
> 3) Education for all"
> Satisfied seeing these future responsible citizens we came back
> Dr.Kalam has really changed the attitude of the Young Minds !!
> Kudos to him & all the young people who aspire to see India a
developed India.
> Regards
> shiva
> ---------------------------------
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