THats such a nice effort by him!have no words! feels good too see such
Gayathri Nayak
--- In India_Vision_
> Dear All
> On sunday(Mar 16,2008) myself & Uday visited Tirupattur in
Vellore District, TamilNadu. The main purpose of the visit was to see
the learning centre being run by One Saravanan & his team.
> BackGround :
> The main idea for the tution/learning centre(Manam Malarattum
trust) is to give enthusiastic & bright Govt schools from Rural areas
more coaching for enabling them score more in 12th exams. The centre
is located in Tirupattur caters to surrounding villages - Mittor,
Kursilapattu, Kunichi, Kuruberi, Jayapuram.
> The group has been running the centre "FREE OF COST " to these
poor Rural students. FOr past 4-5 years they have been running this
centre. Over the years they have been supporting many enngg students,
nursing, teacher training to poor students who successfully came
of this tution centre.
> In summer, (Apr, May)classes are organised daily while during
acedemic times, in the weekend(2 days a week). During summer some
students are even given bus pass(school students pass free in TN only
to-fro in home-school route & no pass during summer holidays) Cost is
300/head for 2 months of bus pass.
> Their future aim is to build a model school which gives free &
quality education to rural students
> take a look at these Photos :
> We are very proud of saravanan & his team on excellent work.
> India Sudar will undertake to fund 3 teachers for the tution
centre there.
> Students on Dr.Kalam - Memorable experience
> I asked the students if they all know what is Vision 2020. Almost
all the hands went up. Then I stressed further asking one of the girl
students to answer me.
> " What has Dr.Kalam said on Vision 2020?"
> "India can be a developed country by 2020 if we all work together.?"
> (I was already amazed by the answer, never realising she is going
to surprise me even
> more)
> "So what is a developed country??"
> (Without hestiation I got these 3 answers)
> "1) People should be got above the poverty line.
> 2) Good health care for all
> 3) Education for all"
> Satisfied seeing these future responsible citizens we came back
> Dr.Kalam has really changed the attitude of the Young Minds !!
> Kudos to him & all the young people who aspire to see India a
developed India.
> Regards
> shiva
> ------------
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