Dear friends,
All appreciations to Dr. Kalam are very appreciable. He deserves all of them. But my understanding is that to follow his vision, his foot steps, and take an action plan towards India development. Thats what I am more interested to talk about how we can make India as a developed country? how we can make India as self sustainable country? Gandhi told that it is posible only when each and every village gets developed. It is posible only when the people who are living in villages get developed. I think we need to discuss about the action plans. How each and every one of us can contribute to make it happen. My suggestion to that is each and every one of us needs to go to villages, undersatand the villages, understand village people, understand their life style, understand their problems, and how its effecting to country development, and work on solution.
In my opinion the most importanat thing is eradicating illiteracy. Any country will gets developed only with high literacy rtate. When we look at our contry literacy rate is only around 60% especially in rural India. That means more than one third of the country is illiterate. This illiteracy is causing early marriages, over population, and poor sanitation. The root cause each and every problem is illiteracy. There is a great necessity to improve the literacy. If every one of us educates one underprivileged kid, we can educate thousands of underprivileged kids. So please think about it. Upond recognizing this necessity I/we started an organization called SPREAD INDIA (www.SpreadIndia.
I hope you all agree with me.
Thank you.
Sridhar Patel
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shiva Pas" <shivapas@yahoo.
To: "India Vision 2020" <India_Vision_
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 12:32:28 AM (GMT-0500) America/New_
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
Dear Friends
Dr.Kalam is a very humble soul , always making complex tasks appear simple. It's no surprise that this great man is averse to titles. I guess he is already engraved in all our hearts as "People's President".
India Vision Group takes great pride in this great leader who leads by example. We pray the almighty for his health & well being !
Jai Hind !
Prime Point Srinivasan <prpoint@gmail.
dear friends
We have announced about honouring of Dr Kalam with a title befitting of his stature. I have received a message from Dr Kalam that he is not interested in any title. He has thanked all the people for the love and affection. Hence, the survey is closed.
We will wish him a long healthy life and request him to continue to guide our Nation.
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