Krishna Kumar Pande
Amrapali Institute
Haldwani 263139
Tel 05946-238201,
Fax 05946-238205
web: amrapaliinstitute.
dear friends
Mahatma Gandhi's birthday i.e. 2nd October is being celebrated as "International Non Violence Day". To mark this occassion, we are bring out the story of "an extremist turned social worker" through podcast.
Mr Periaswamy, an extremist in yesteryears was sentenced to death by the judiciary and later got relieved. During his prison days, he realised that violence had no role to play in the development of the Dalits and downtrodden. Presently, he is managing 63 'night schools' in 63 hamlets to provide education to nearly four thousand dalit children, using the available infrastructure and resources in these villages.
We are happy to present this real time case study of a person who has turned out to be motivator for many young dalit persons.
Please listen to his exclusive interview (both English translation and original interview in Tamil) of this 'Unsung Hero' in the following link:
http://poduniversal.blogspot. com/2007/ 10/violence- to-non-violence- story-of. html

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