With due respect to what Dr. Kalam has contributed to the nation and especially children and youth he deserves " .... " a title.
In my personal opinion - the word "Mahatma" [ if it depicts Mahan Atma ] gives me a feeling as if he is not with us.
Evolution / Elevation of :: Jivatma >> Atma >> Shuddhatama >> Mahatma >> Parmatma.
During human life >> Jivatma (birth) >> Atma (growth) >> Shuddhatama (spiritual development)
After death >> on this planet >> Mahatma
After death >> in the universe >> Parmatma - The God.
I always refer to Gandhiji as "Bapu" rather than "Mahatma"
The word "Bapu" has closeness and intimacy.
How would "Yug Purush" (man of the millenium) sound ?
Can't he be remembered as Yug Purush for years to come ?
with best regards,
akhil sutaria
arv vaz <arv_vazu@yahoo.
hi all,,,
yes he deserves to be called as 'Mahatma'...
he has inspired the youth of out nation...
He must be honoured by the youth of this
gayathrinayakj <gayathrinayakj@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi all
I think its a great thing to do so! he indeed deserves the title,
though he will never expect any of it. MAHATMA KALAM i am happy to be
the first person to add this to His Excellency's name!
This one way to show our gratitude and express support to the man who
has shown us the way to be a super power!
Jai Hind
Gayatri Nayak
MOP Vaishnav College, Chennai
--- In India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups , "Prime Point Srinivasan".com
<prpoint@...> wrote:
> dear friends
> Many of the youngsters in India Vision group have been personally
sending me
> the mails seeking guidance as to how we can honour Dr Kalam. Dr
Kalam has
> proved himself as 'living legend' and has galvanized the youth of
> country, next only to Mahatma Gandhi. Please read on the draft,
whether we
> can post this in the Petitiononline site for the signature of all
youth and
> cirtizens of this country.
> Please offer your suggestions immediately. 15th October is the
birth day of
> Dr Kalam. We need to complete our discussion by 10th and then post
it in
> the peitiononline site.
> srinivasan
> Moderator
> Conferring title 'Mahatma' (Great Soul) to the legendary person Dr
> Kalam by Indian citizens
> To the People of India
> We, the citizens of India, feel honoured to confer the
title 'Mahatma' to
> our former President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam. He has not only provided
> extraordinary leadership to the youngsters of this country but also
put us
> on an expressway of development of the Nation and freedom from
> In the early part of 20th century, Mahatma Gandhi motivated the
> of his time towards freedom movement and provided a great
leadership. Out
> of great reverence, love and affection, the people honoured him
with the title
> 'Mahatma'.
> After sixty years of Independence, we are fortunate to have Dr
Abdul Kalam,
> a legendary personality with us. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Kalam can be
> campared in many ways.
> 1. Mahatma Gandhi, though was in a family life, was leading
the 'saintly'
> life adopting 'Brahmacharyam'. Dr Kalam also leads a 'Saintly'
life as a
> true Brahmachari, true to the Indian tradition.
> 2. There is a God in simplicity and Dr. Kalam has demonstrated to
> entire world that how one can live simple life even while staying
in a
> presidential palace. Just like Mahatma Gandhi maintained his
simplicity when
> he met Queen of England in his trademark dhoti and shawl during
his visit
> to the kingdom.
> 3. Mahatma Gandhi galvanized the youngsters during his time,
> 'freedom from British'. Dr Kalam is galvanizing the present day
youth with
> the 'India 2020 mantra' and motivating them towards the 'developed
> and 'freedom from poverty'.
> 4. Both have placed India in the world map for the achievement in
one form
> or other
> 5. Gandhiji's hallmark was his mass appeal right from peasant
> Viceroy. Today Dr.Kalam holds such a respect across all walks of
> 6. Like Gandhi, Dr.Kalam has been stressing the need for rural
> empowerment. Infact he has been passionate advocate of PURA
(Provide Urban
> Amenities in Rural Areas)
> 7. Both have provided a supreme leadership to the Nation.
> Already, Indian Government has honoured Dr Kalam with the highest
> Award Bharat Ratna. It is now the turn of the People of India to
honour him
> with the noble title *'Mahatma'* as a fitting tribute to his
> to the country, on his 76th birthday falling on October 15th.
> Please put your signature, to get honoured by honouring Dr Kalam.
> Petitiononline link here
> India Vision Group
> www.indiavision2020.org
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---
arv vazudevan
Ignited minds of the youth is the most powerful resource
on the earth, above the earth and under the earth
----frm de gr8 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
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