Hi All,
Finally, the movement has been flagged off.
An Online Petition has been filed as re-produced below :
To: The President of India, Indian Election Commission, Indian Government
At the age of 18 years we get the right to vote in all government elections.
A voter must advocate his right to vote for only such contestant whom he finds worthy to be elected.
In case a voter does not find any sutitable candidate from those who have stood for elections, there must be provision to register NO VOTE i.e. none could be found worthy of being elected. [ more ]
A voter must advocate his right to vote for only such contestant whom he finds worthy to be elected.
In case a voter does not find any sutitable candidate from those who have stood for elections, there must be provision to register NO VOTE i.e. none could be found worthy of being elected. [ more ]
To read, sign and support the petition kindly visit :
I am sure you will act as a responsible Indian citizen.
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