Thanks a lot for sharing your points.
I saw the headlines and an another article in "Times of India" about poor infrastructure in Bangalore today. Accidentally, It happened to meet 2 traffic police while I was having tea at restaurant in the morning. I was casually talking to them about traffic problems in Bangalore and what we could do. Finally, they asked me to talk with Circle Inspector to do any co-work.
We have been thinking to make stickers like "I obey traffic rules and follow lane discipline" and keep at front side of every car, so that they can see this sticker every time and remind them self.
But it is good thought by Raja as well, we can keep on the back side of car, so that it can remind others, who are following that car and help other drivers to remind them as well.
We all know that making strict rules and punishment by govt along with good infrastructure would bring peaceful like like what we have seen in US and other developed countries. But it would take long time I guess. Is there anything we can do like filing more frequent RTI or meeting concerned departments regularly.
News about Poor Infrastructure in Bangalore in Times Of India Today
(1) Bangalore: Where is the petroleum cess going?
According to Bhushan Narang, president of Bharat Petroleum Dealers' association , Bangalore needs 600 tankers of fuel every day. Every tanker load has 12,000 litres which means Bangalore consumes 72 lakh litres every day. That also means Bangaloreans pay Rs 72 lakh per day as infrastructure cess or Rs 262.8 crore per year. Isn't it time the city ploughed back more revenue into improving roads?
(2) Bangalore's infrastructure, growth mismatch
A number of innovative ideas, proposed time and again by some bright minds, have remained on paper. For instance, whatever happened to the BBMP's tall claims about installing ducts to curb road-digging and ensure that all service providers use them to run their lines? Why is no follow-up action taken on such ideas?
Resident welfare associations are willing to act as watchdogs - be it in execution, planning or supervision of road projects. Their members are ready to physically inspect work and see that asphalting is done according to norms. But civic authorities are reluctant to empower them. Is the contractor-official lobby afraid that its corrupt ways will be exposed?
From: Navya Sree <lnavyasree20@
To: India_Vision_
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 12:27:59 AM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
Hi All, Greetings to all. Mr. RaviKumar came up with a basic point. And even nice comments by Mr. Raja. As of my thought, we should change the baseline attitude among people. Road Usage is "Not only our right but also our responsibilty' . The main problem in India is lack of discipline in our lifestyle. Not only in roads we show our indisciplined nature everywhere. I came to US for my MS 2 years back. I should say India is Best always what ever happens. Even today I feel the same but it will be wonderful if we can do behave as better Indians with social consciousness. Here in US no one cross a signal or speed up too much than speed limits fear of fine. Pedestrains are considered very imp. Children and Old people will have high priority and even challenged people. Even if pedestrains (kids) run into road without seeing people will be careful enough stop and wait until they complete cross the road. I never such a thing in India. If we are waiting for a while to cross roads (pedestrains and even cars) people driving will stop and let us go. Its just a matter of minute. Someday we need the same minute for ourselves to cross the road. They show this sensual nature at right points. We will not find any pits made by common man for any issue (neither for religious activities nor for political or other social gatherings). They protect roads as their responsibility. No one will throw trash may be even small bits of trash on roads or around. Even their pets shouldn't spoil the roads or neighbourhood. We can queue anywhere (if it is crowded). No one will try to push and pull. It appears so silly to hear. But all these make a big difference. Even in India i tried to carry the trash to some trash can. First I used keep that in mind not to throw on roads. But after a while it been a habit. Here are some of my ideas to keep life better: 1. As Mr. Raja quoted example of slogan behind our vehicles is a really worthy idea. It will sensually educate people. 2. We can make boards of traffic alerts in office, pamplets at offices, regular email alerts for IT people. 3. Regular ads on paper and electronic media (without link with politics) 4. What ever may be reason we should disturb traffic or use roads for temple activities or political rallies, unnecessary rallies or social activities. If necessary use only walking track (pedestrain area) for such things. If its inevitable then better to use only one lane if its multiple lanes. 5. Never we should block opposite track. Mainly govt should make certain imp roles for long term benefit. They should not allow religious, political or social rallies or any such activities on roads blocking track. Also we should not think a major accident or killing some one in accidents is a major crime. They better fine or imprison or even both and if necessary terminate license or keep a hold on license for a limited period if someone don't follow traffic rules. if we can't get it right with rigits lets get it right with rules and orders. Wish to see a safe India. I wish everyone comments or suggestions in this issue and also implementation will be worthy aspect in this issue. Even I reuest our India vision associated groups to consider this also as critical issue and add such educational programs in their programs. Try to include traffic education also as a aspect in your regular events and programs. Spare 5 to 10 mins to play a video or presentation or basic lecture along with your other activities regularly. On and On with such events we can get this point to all around us. Navyasree JAIHIND L.Navya Sree --- On Wed, 8/27/08, Raja Saravanan <rajasaravanan@> wrote: From: Raja Saravanan <rajasaravanan@> |

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