Dear Friends:
I am also interested in such effort in Andhra Pradesh. I would like to know more about various innovation activities being implemented at various places so that we can compile all the best practices for others to share and use.
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 9:17 PM, selvarajan rajeswari < > wrote:
Dear sir,Happy to that a plan is to teach rural students . I am involved in such activities and iam ready to share with you.DR Selvarajan,A social worker ,From: Manoj Parmar <parmarsnmanoj@rediffmail. >com
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] Innovation Activity Center
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Friday, August 8, 2008, 3:09 AM
Dear Friends,
Innovation Activity Center is Run by Innovation educational Research and Developement Center in Ujjain (M.P).We are going to conduct a drawing competitions on the eve of Independence day(14/08/2008) .The topic of drawing competition is "Developed India in 2020".we will distribute the copy of billionbeats to the students .
Our students learn all subjects by innovative methods of teaching.very soon ,we are going start our project in rural areas.
Our address:
Innovation Acivity Center
28/1 ksapnak marg G.D.C Road Ujjain (M.P).
Contact no. is 0734 -2431114,0734 -2510667.
Manoj parmar
parmarsnmanoj@ rediffmail. com
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