Hello Sir,
The ezine related to the "Information overloading" was excellent and very useful. Hope most of us experienced this but struglled at times to override the problem. We simply say "we have no time". But managing the issues as discussed in the ezine will give a better solution.
Especially the views given by the Guest Editor - prof Martin Eppler and Mr.Philip Joshua were excellent and very useful. And the Teiambak Sharma's cartoon and Mrriage consultants was good but reality.
Thanks for all the editors and team behind ezine. Great job.
Blossom Foundation.
[Attachment(s) from Prime Point Srinivasan included below]
dear friendsWith the increase in technology, social media, mass media, the society is largely suffering from 'Information overload'. Even an ordinary event gets blasted through social media and mainline media. How does it affect the stakeholders?
Many Mergers and Joint ventures are over-hyped, creating more expectations from the stakeholders. The stakeholders get disappointed when the outcome is not according to the expectations, raised due to 'Information overload'.
Even a recent 'car launch' got a huge hype through social media and mass media. Probably, this scared away the prospective buyers and the registration did not match with the estimate of the company.
Is there any way, we can handle the Information overload? Is the 'Information overload' specific to certain cases or is it common amongst the corporates?
May 2009 issue of PR-e-Sense deals with the Information overload. This issue is guest edited by Prof. Martin Eppler, an eminent professor from Switzerland. He has co-authored the Research initiated by International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).
The ezine may be downloaded from the following link (327 k in pdf format)
http://www.primepointfoundation. org/presense/ presense0509.
We have also interviewed Mr Madan Bahal, Mg. Director, Adfactors Public Relations as part of the lead story. Please listen to the podcast interview at
http://www.corpezine.com/2009/ 05/may-2009- information- overload. html
Thanks & Regards

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