Dear All,
From: meena kumari <>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 7:18:37 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] Singh is King - Election 09 - Analysing the loud message given by Indian Voters
I have been a quiet observer of this forum over the last few years. But this time, I thought I should share my joy with all of you after seeing the Election results.
While, I haven't got a bias for any political party as such but I do think that Indian public should be commended for voting for political stability. Most importantly the Indian public voted for talented individuals with a real vision for India.
One winning candidate, which I thought is worthmentioning here, is Mr. Shashi Tharoor, the former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. I would encourage all of you to visit his website: to learn more about him.
Mr. Tharoor has been a real inspiration and a near perfect role model for global Indian. Let's wish him all the best for his new stint as an Indian politician.
Kind regards
From: meena kumari <roamextra@yahoo.
To: India_Vision_
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 7:18:37 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
Dear All, 1. As the moderator has pointed out, its the ban on exit polls and opinion polls which helped the people to vote without any confusion, the exit polls and opinion polls must be permanently banned. 2. This election result clearly speaks against the Communal Politics played by the BJP, people are not interested anymore with BJP's Hindutuva theme. 3. The bad and a very negative campaign against Dr.Singh and Ms.Sonia Gandhi was a major cause of the drubbing that BJP received and likewise for Jayalalitha. This is the 3rd time Jayalalitha is getting kicked out, hope this lady realises that speaking against Karunanidhi without respect for his age and achievement would not be tolerated anymore. 4. The results make it abundantly very clear, that Indians would not allow dictators and religious fanatics to rule this country even it means going without bread and butter. Jai Hind. Thanks Meena
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