Dear All,
Point number one
In a democratic set up like ours and its political system with all pre election rules rules wonderful for parties and no say in post election switching - we dont elect our rulers manipulations and electioneering thinkers decide our fate.
Mr. Elangovan one of the cleanest union ministers suffered a defeat- belonged to UPA . This man is not a favourite of english speaking media or has the filmy touch to his politics.
If DR.Singhs cabinet and his council were approved then why this survival by a hairline gap for MR.CHIDHAMBARAM or the defeat of Manishankar aiya or the defeat of MS. RENUKA or For LalluOr for Paswan.
It was bad timing for the fourth front to have come together and Amar singh created more confusion in UP and Rahul like his Great Grand father spared words at an opportune moment .
Modi whether he is right or wrong is another question but in India if any politician can stand up for development it should be him . very unfortunately the english media keeps a handbook who wished or didnt wish to talk to him. They have a permenant list of his enemies and want to retain it ( for whose sake we do not know)
Sensex went booming two days ahead of results ( iam not an expert on this) but it is fishy.
If MR.AZHAGIRI wins after his blatant demonstartion of muscle power and money power then you can imagine how victory is managed by our leaders.
One or two politicians or a political party black mailing a major national party is fine because press will talk about it and the politicians go to to people back. But what can you comment when individuals at the highest offices do not act based on their great intellectual ability with free will.
Iam not against congress or Upa neither do i support BJP .
But in portals like ours which stand for sensible nation building let us concentrate in making a better India inspite of our leaders not because of them.
It has happened for 60 odd years it will continue to grow because MOTHER INDIA cannot be ruled by whom the election commission rewards victory papers she breaths through her 120 crore children flavoured by 500 years of fine culture and her great native intelligence.
On 5/17/09, Prime Point Srinivasan < > wrote:
dear friends
People of India have given their verdict very loudly.
1. UPA has received a massive mandate, more than their expectations.
2. Parties who wanted to black mail or create confusion for their own self interest were rejected. Dozens of leaders who aspired to become Prime Minister from smaller parties, are now in pathetic conditions. (Lallu, Mulayam, Paswan, Maya, Jaya, Pawar, naidu, Gowda)
3. People rejected the parties who enjoyed the power till the last day and joined the opposition for their advantage. (PMK, used to jump from one party from other to grab power. Tamil papers used to make fun of them as 'jump'lingam. They lost all the seven seats they contested). This includes fourth front also.
4. Left parties, who were black mailing the earlier Government day in and day out, got their lesson.
If you observe, the people across the Nation have preferred a National party led formation. Now for another five years, UPA has a mandate to govern this country, without being blackmailed by the partners. Let us wish Dr Manmohan Singh all sucess in leading the Nation.
I was also observing some of the strategies, followed by the major formations during the elections.
1. UPA projected Dr Singh without any confusion. Though they were not using social media extensively like BJP, they were projecting youthful faces through Rahul. Probably, their campaign managers projected a fair mix of expertise of Dr Singh with the youthful message. Probably the tune 'jayaho' used by UPA also brought youth towards them.
2. NDA projected Mr Advani very well. Mr Advani's political expertise and capabilities were matching with that of Dr Singh. They used extensively social media. However, they could not project youthful face to the voters, to match the social media campaign. It is also reported that some of their own senior leaders sabotaged the prospects in North. Projection of Modi as a future Prime Minister is said to have created more problems in States other than Gujarat. No doubt, Advani is a tall leader and it was going well. I was also surpirsed, as to why, they were confusing the people, in the midst of the campaign.Their Hindutva face, alienated their own partners during the election process, fearing loss of Muslim and youth votes.
3. The third and fourth front parties are regional parties or confined to specific states. They could not project their own PM candidate like UPA and NDA. All the component parities had aspirations to become Prime Minister. Some of them, were negotiating with either UPA or NDA to shift their loyalties, depending on the post-poll outcome. All of them had their own personal agenda. Mulayam wanted Maya to be dethroned. Jaya wanted Karuna to be toppled. Gowda wanted his son to become a cabinet minister. Left wanted to continue to blackmail sitting in the Lok Sabha. Founder of PMK was negotiating with Congress to shift the loyalties, if they get Ministerial berth for his son. With this type of confusion and self interest, they went before the voters. The voters rejected them outright.
4. Another important factor is that unusually, all the three states that went for Assembly elections, returned the ruling party. (Orissa, Andhra and Sikkim). That indicates, the people also look for development and performance.
5. The Exit polls banned by the Election Commission is an advantge for the voters. The media did not confuse the voters with their 'advertorial or sponsored' exit polls. This made people to go to the booth with their own idea.
In a nutshell, I personally feel, Verdict 2009 gives a great lesson to our political leaders. India is emerging as a strong democratic Nation, after every General Elections.
I invite views from members on the lessons to be learnt from this verdict.
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