Hello Friends,
09 th may 09 (Saturday) me along with my friends from a leading Multimedia training company(IMAGE Infotainment ltd.,) were involved in a awareness campaign on voting. We created few sand sculptures in the Elliot's Beach (Besant Nagar, Chennai) to create awareness among the public for voting in the final phase of election.
For all of us this was the experience to build a sculpture in sand and it was really a awful experience to build there. It was a bit hard one to make but interesting and every one enjoyed a lot. Even though the climate was around 38 degree on that day...it hadn't disturbed us because of the involvement . We started at 5.30 am in the morning and finished at 12.30 pm noon.
Evening I went there at around 5.45 pm and the response was really great and lots of interesting comments from public. Hope the sand would have spoken few words to them and we will be happy at least these sculptures change few minds to vote this time.
Few of the interesting comments are,
1. you say please vote..but for whom ?
2. Are you working for Election commission.
3. that Swastika symbol belongs to which political party ?
4. Still election is going on ?
5. You ppl belong to which party ?
6. are you peoples from fine arts college ?
7. Hats off to you guys for this wonderful job...!
8. Every thing is okay, but we have to rethink on the voting system.
9. What does the symbol represents ?
10. Sure We will vote this time ...!
11. I will ask my friends and neighbors to vote ?
12. Good work by these guys but useless and its waste of time on voting.
But on an average , almost everyone on the beach came near this sculptures and had a look at it and commented and also took photos with mobile cams etc., It was nice been there by hearing all the comments and reactions. Really a gr8 day and beautiful day in my life. I thank Mr. Sri Balaji of IMAGE Infotainment for given me a chance to be a part of this.
Wish at least the final phase of election should register above 75 to 85 % of votes.
I suggest all the members of the IV2020 group to ask their friends and neighbors and family members to vote without fail. Try calling your contacts and make sure that they have voted (at least with you close friends and relatives). Let Tamilnadu set and example this time and we be a part of it.And finally as a result we should start thinking on the alterations of current polling system. Some experts can give suggestions.
Happy Voting. :)
Blossom Foundation
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