Hello everyone,
The Election Commission has been unbelievably slow and lax in updating the affidavits filed by the TN Lok Sabha candidates. They have taken absolutely no steps to update the affidavits. We have tried to reach them several times and get a clear cut answer, but to no avail. So, The Tamil Nadu Election Watch as advised by the ADR has decided to seek the help from all of you. This is what we are planning to do. There are 40 seats including Pondicherry. We need volunteers who can collect the affidavits from the collectorates of their respective districts/returning officers. Once you have collected the affidavits then I can provide a password and an id to enter the information into the ADR database so that we can prepare a chart with the criminal and property records of the TN Lok Sabha candidates for 2009 elections.
Please treat this with utmost urgency.
"There is nothing which is not the subject of debate, and in which men of learning are not of contrary opinions. The most trivial question escapes not our controversy, and in the most momentous we are not able to give any certain decision. Disputes are multiplied, as if everything was uncertain, and they are settled with the utmost warmth, as if everything was certain." David Hume
Dr. Sudarsan Padmanabhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
HSB 353B
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600 036
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 91-44-2257-4526 & 4500
Email: sudarsanp@iitm.
-----Original Message-----
From: India_Vision_
Sent: Sat 5/2/2009 10:41 PM
To: India Vision group; action2020@yahoogro
Subject: [India_Vision_
dear friends
Mr Parthiban, Mr Deanathan and few software engineers across the country
were undergoing training at Infosys Training Centre at Bangalore during
October 2007. During a week end, some of them went for a Tamil movie in a
Bangalore Theatre. The movie portrayed the sufferings of common men in
Chennai City due to the growth of IT Companies. The film conveyed that due
to few thousands of software engineers, the rental value and other prices
had gone up, causing huge hardship to other millions of poor people. The
film also showed a person, who migrated from Chennai City to a town 100 km
away, due to hike in house rents, without any increase in his personal
While returning from the cinema, these young software engineers started
discussing about the theme of the movie and decided to do something for the
society. Next day, they shared their views with other 350 software
engineers who were under training. All of them agreed to do something to
the society.
Parthiban, Devanathan and their team during that week, visited a nearby
orphanage 'Nele' and decided to celebrate Diwali with those children, during
that time. Next day, they collected Rs.50,000/- from these 350 trainees
towards supporting some social cause.
Meanwhile, brother of one of the trainees hailing from a very poor family
had some serious health problem and she needd around 35,000/- immediately.
These boys shared 34,000/- to her and bought rice and other requirements for
Rs.16,000/- and handed over to the orphanage 'Nele'. They spent the Diwali
with those children.
With the pleasure and happiness derived out of their help to the needy,
these boys decided to form a group to support poor people. An organisation
'Swarg' (meaning Heaven) was born informally. The training got over within
few days. All the trainees were sent to different locations of the company.
Suddenly the boys felt that they were all separated. They were worrying as
to how to carry on with their activities, when people are in different
place. Suddenly, an idea came into their young and enthusiastic minds.
They wanted to convert this 'disadvantage' into an 'advantage'. Instead of
worrying over the separation of the trainees, they thought, they would
spread the wings to all other places. 'Swarg' was formed in four states,
with those active participants.
Now 'Swarg' is operating in 5 locations in 4 States. They have introduced a
scheme for providing 'Swage Scholarship Scheme' to help the poor children.
They focus on education. Now after one year and few months of their
experience, they decided to register Swarg as a Trust. They are going to
launch their trust and their website on 9th May at Chennai. Now, they have
more than 500 members, mostly from Infosys and few from other companies.
The members contribute personally for the projects undertaken by them.
When the young boys Parthiban and Devanathan met me today, I was highly
impressed with their commitement. They want to start a 'library' for poor
professional students and also support the poor children at primary
education level.
They have also joined our group. I welcome them to this group. Let us wish
them all the best in their future endeavours.

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