respected sir you are not giving land only
you teach a lesson so many land lords also
On 2/20/10, Prime Point Srinivasan < > wrote:
hi all
I am happy to share with you a mail received from Mr Siddanagound Biradar of Andhra Pradesh.(one of our members). He is a PhD scholar at China. Out of 5 acres owned by him, he donated 2 acres to Govt. to build a high school which can benefit 5 to 6 nearby villages.
Pl read his personal mail to me. I thought, it is better to share with our members. India vision group salutes his noble gesture.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mr.Siddanagouda.S.Biradar < >
Date: Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 4:56 PM
Subject: Donated 2 acres land to govt
To: Prime Point Srinivasan < >
Cc: Siddanagouda Biradar < >
Dear Sir
My Father Shri Somanagouda Biradar, resident of Padekanur, Taluk: Muddebihal District: Bijapur, Karnataka State, donated two acres of my land to Govt for building up of Highschool at my village . I had 5 acres of land in my name out of which i donated 2 acres.
This highschool will be usefull to my village besides surrounding 5 to 6 villages also. Offcourse many land lords are in my village but none are ready to donate even a inch of land. Even though my field is 1 km far from village, Govt agreed to establish Highschool there.
The construction work will start shortly.
Mr.Siddanagouda. S. Biradar (IGF).PhD ScholarDepartment of Crop Genetics and Breeding
College of AgronomyNorth-West A & F University
3 Taicheng Road, Yangling-712100
Shaanxi , P R China
Ennangalin Sangamam,
D-4, Varasidhi Vinayagar Apts,
10, 5 th Cross Street,
Trustpuram, Chennai - 600 024.
Mob: 94449 08317.
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