dear friends
As a communication professional, I used to always wonder about the communication strategies of Dr Abdul Kalam. After Mahatma Gandhi, only Dr Abdul Kalam at the age of 77, is able to attract large number of youth across the Nation. Nowadays, even the youngsters from US and European countries are keen in listening to Dr Kalam.
What is the secret of his communication strategies? As a person involved in communication, I have been observing his various communication strategies, body language, voice modulation, eye contact, etc. As already circulated, Action 2020 Team of India Vision online group, had the opportunity of meeting Dr Kalam on 7th October 09. I share some of my experience.
1. Everyone felt that they interacted with Dr Kalam
The introduction part and Dr Kalam speech, etc. took nearly 1 hour. He spent around 30 minutes in taking questions. He was spending around 15 minutes for receiving the brochures, signing autographs, etc. Nearly 70 members participated in this event. We had given strict instructions earlier through email to all participants that none of the individuals will be allowed to talk about their organisation. Only issues of common interest was to be taken up in the Question session.
When we all came out after the meeting, i checked up with many young participants. Almost all of them said that they could talk to Dr Kalam and discuss with him for 5 to 10 minutes. I was surprised when all of them had the same feeling of their conversing with Dr Kalam for 5 to 10 minutes. In reality, it was not so. When we had only 15 to 20 mintues for signing autographs, even if half of the audience had spent around 5 to 10 minutes with him, it would have taken 5 hours.
How Dr Kalam gave them a feeling that they had interacted with him satisfactorily. This is an amazing experience of communication. I have observed that whenever all the names were read out by our Core Team, the concerned person stood up and greeted Dr Kalam. In some cases, Dr Kalam repeated the names or got the names second time from the announcer. Then he smiled at the concerned person. Probably, the smile and repetition of the name could have given them an immense level of communication and satisfaction.
2. Creating a feeling that 'I can win'
One of the senior members of our team Mrs Lakshmi Radhakrishnan was sharing her views today morning. After Dr Kalam's speech all the people were highly motivated and highly charged. During the open session, many people were going round and round of Dr Kalam with full of happiness and high motivation. Mrs Lakshmi Radhakrishnan was quoting from Valmiki Ramayana. When Rama was sitting, Hanuman comes with the news that Sita was safe at Sri Lanka. All the vanaras got the confidence and motivated. They had the feeling "I can win". That motivation gave all the vanaras a feeling of joy, happiness, confidence and they were roaming hither and there as if intoxicated. In the current situation, Mrs Lakshmi was saying, "We, including me, were all roaming like Vanaras, after they got the confidence of 'I can win'. Dr Kalam's motivational speech and his oath gave all of us the sense of confidence and pride. Dr Kalam was quietly sitting at the centre like Lord Rama, leading the team to victory".
I now leave it to the readers to visualise the situation, how Dr Kalam motivated the youth.
I really experienced that Dr Kalam is definitely a 'communicator par excellence'
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