Your efforts to bring young achievers face to face with the one whose dreams and ideas for a developed India never dries up, is indeed commendable. I am sure there are many like me who have read this and wished that he or she were a part of that audience too. Such is the feeling of inspiration and enthusiasm that you instill in each one of us by organising these interactions.
Keep up the great work sir.
V Prem Shanker
Senior Producer - News
2009/10/8 Prime Point Srinivasan < >
dear friendsAction 2020 Team30 constituent organisations or Action 2020 Team of India Vision online group, met Dr Abdul Kalam on 7th October 2009 at Raj Bhavan, Chennai during his one day visit. Two representatives from each organistion and few individual achievers in social works met him. Though, originally, we were given only one hour for this meeting ai, Dr Kalam spent with us nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes.These 30 constituent organistions of Action 2020 team, formed by young professionals and students and backed by more than 10000 youth are involved in various social activities like education, healthcare, environment, rural development, etc. We had earlier mailed to Dr Kalam, a brief profile of all the participant organistions.
Dr Kalam's preparednessWhen he came to the hall, i was amazed to see the note sent by me earlier was in his hands with lot of remarks in the margin. That means, he had done his home work before meeting us and planned his agenda for discussion.Activate water bodies - Take as an additional agendaAfter our brief intro about these organisations, Dr Kalam spent nearly 90 minutes in his sppech and interaction. He was touching various important aspects of Nation building. He was giving the highest priority for activiating the water resources in India. He expressed deep concern over the water bodies being occupied or used for other purposes. He wanted the Action 2020 Team and other NGOs to take up an extra agenda of 'activating water bodies' in their localities in addition to their usual services like education, environment, healthcare, etc.Youngsters should maintain good healthAnother important aspect Dr Kalam was emphasising was the health aspect of youngsters. He urged all youngsters to maintain good health by doing regular exercises and meditation. He urged them to take good fiber content foods and to give adequate sleep to the body. He was also mentioning about the study conducted by the Global Hospital, Mount Abu with his support. He said that whereverhe was, every day, he used to walk for one hour. He never missed his walking, despite his busy schedules. We will be releasing his speech and discussion recorded by us during our meeting in two or three parts.Meeting with Dr Kalam boosted the moraleThe meeting with Dr Kalam boosted the morale of the young organisations and they left Raj Bhavan with high level of motivation. They all realised their potentiality to achieve greater heights and to take the Nation forward. Every one had the feeling 'I can do it'.The meeting ended with National Anthem, with Dr Kalam also singing loudly along with us. Many fell at his feet and took his blessings.This is the third occassion, that Dr Kalam is meeting the Action 2020 Team. Earlier, he met few groups only. Now, he met all of us together.SrinivasanPrime Point91766 50273
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