(Moderator's Note: The author of this mail is Mr Sudhakar, Chairman and Managing Director of Mastek. He met me yesterday and we had a dicussion about his new initiative. He has explained about his initiative in this mail. Those who want to help him in his initiative, please send a mail to him directly to his email id sudhakar.ram (at) mastek.com. Please do not post your response to the Group.I again repeat, please send your response directly to him and not to the group - Srinivasan)
Dear India Vision 2020 Members,
I applaud the initiative and drive demonstrated by members of this group to impact India in different ways. Mr. Srinivasan has briefed me on the types of activities carried out by various constituent organizations of Action 2020 team and other NGOs in this group.
I’d like to share with you a brief overview of a new initiative that I have launched recently – The New Constructs. This initiative is derived out of a vision for an inclusive world, with enough for all, living in total harmony with our environment. To realize this dream, we need to raise some fundamental questions about our world today and the industrial age beliefs and assumptions – constructs as I call them – that hold us back. I have identified 7 constructs that we need to reinvent– success, learning, work, consumption, wellness, globalization and governance – to usher in a new age for humanity.
These constructs are fundamental and no individual or group can ever have the answers to the new form they need to take. The New Constructs, therefore, is a global dialogue to question, challenge and discover new forms of success; new approaches to life-long learning; defining work not just as a job or a career, but as a calling; and so on. The website www.TheNewConstruct
Just as India managed to skip the landline revolution and embraced the mobile technology, we have the unique opportunity to skip the Industrial Age and lead the world in the new, connected Age that the world is heading to. While I’d like to invite all of you to engage actively in this dialogue, I’d also like to meet with the various member organizations and identify examples of innovative approaches to development that we can showcase on the site and in the final book when it comes out.
I’d be happy to address any questions, thoughts, ideas that all of you may have.

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