Igniting meet with Dr APJ @ Raj Bhavan Chennai on 7th October 2009
With great respect, we thank Mr. Prime Point Srinivasan & the coordinators – Poonima, Siva, Ravi, Natarajan for organizing a great even which every group member felt as the happiest & most memorable & valuable moment in their life time. Words cannot express the gratitude, still a try-
"Great Thanks & pranamam to all the organizers & to Dr APJ sir & Mr. Ponraj sir"
We want to share our experience with Dr kalam sir, simplest man with great beauty, the living & moving role model of Give as much as you can, Visioner, Powerful personality, Ignites minds of every one ( from 100 years Swamiji to 1 year baby).
We had around 1 ½ hour time (90 sweetest memorable minutes) with Dr APJ. The meet started with Introduction about the teams, then informal meeting style with great closeness & comfort ness. Dr APJsir saw, Smiled on each members face, involved deeply in listening the introduction speech, appreciated each teams goal & mission & blessed us with his great smile.
I am mentioning the below quotes given by Dr APJsir as people can read about them in depth, help them more, take their assistance, take them as role models & get into action.
Corporate Social Responsibility Great Balvir Singji from Punjab- sant Balbir Singh Seechewal is a renowned environmentalist, who spearheaded the efforts to clean Kali Bein associated with Guru Nanak, the Founder of Sikhism, in the Kapurthala district. Guru Nanak is said to have revelatory experience in the river. Baba ji mobilized masses to help clean the 160 KM long River Bein. This river was polluted with raw sewage from the city and agriculture and industrial waste from all around area.
Project Siruthuli - as a movement by Madam Vanitha This is an initiative started by Coimbatoreans for Coimbatoreans under the leadership of Ms. Vanitha Mohan. This ecological project aims to bring back the glory of Coimbatore and its rich heritage. The project is represented by people from all walks of life and professionally organized. The primary focus is on large scale rain water harvesting, afforestation, sewage/waste water treatment and solid waste management. They have already standardized five of the nine primary tanks in Coimbatore for large scale rainwater harvesting. Over 1.5 lakhs saplings have been planted on the bunds of the de-silted tanks and are being maintained. They are moving towards a target of planting 15 lakh trees in and around Coimbatore. The comprehensive study has indicated outlet of the city sewage as 10 million liters per day. A pilot plant is being taken up for sewage treatment to treat one million liters per day. The treated water will be sold to the agriculturists and industrialists as a revenue earning measure. The garbage and debris to the extent of over 26,000 cubic meters in one of the city's largest tank have been removed. This model can be replicated throughout the country.
Appreciated the efforts of Lead India 2020.
LOS ANGLES, CA: Lead INDIA 2020; USA chapter in cooperation with the University of Southern California (USC)-Association for Indian Students (AIS) arranged a LEAD INDIA 2020 meeting at USC campus on Sept 15 2009 at 12:30 PM said LEAD INDIA 2020;USA coordinator Ravi Koneru. Bharata Ratna, People's President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam visited University to Inspire Indian students with the LEAD INDIA 2020 VISION "Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao" More than 400 students gathered to meet Dr. Abdul Kalam and listen to what he says and know about LEAD INDIA 2020. A formal welcome by Varun Soni, Dean of Religion for Life preceded the much awaited address by Dr. Kalam. LEAD INDIA 2020; USA chapter Secretary, Gopinath Gopalam did a power point presentation about LEAD INDIA 2020 VISION, MISSION, OBJECTIVES, GOALS, ACHEIVEMENTS and BENCH MARKS. He also talked about INDIA's YOUTH workforce strength and how it can be utilized to LEAD INDIA if properly channelized. He talked about the "Aap Badho Desh Ko Badhao" Human Development training programs that are being conducted in Andhra Pradesh in the areas of Career Development, Social Development, Physical Development, Mental Development, National Development and Spiritual Development. He requested the Students at USC to take part in LEAD INDIA 2020 by adopting a school, village, mandal, district in INDIA to sponsor the training programs.
Rural health a life time Noble Mission Dedicated Service of Dr Solomon
Incident Dr APJ sir encountered in a rural place called Betgeri. The place is located in Kadag District in interior Karnataka. Actually, Dr. Kalam sir met Dr.Solomon, who was practicing at a rural CSI hospital in Betgeri, at Lakshmeshwar where he was scheduled to interact with engineering students. Dr. Kalam sir as usual asked him "Wat do you do?". Well, the thing that made Dr. Kalam sir visit the Betgeri was Dr.Solomon's reply. He replied "Sir, I am serving in a rural CSI hospital in the interior Karnataka, a place called Betgeri, Gadag District and I attend 250 patients everyday". He attended 250 patients a day in a Rural Health Care Centre. Interested Dr.Kalam sir intended to visit the place and Dr.Solomon accompanied him to Betgeri. The hospital was set up back in 19th century during the times when Basel Mission sent missionaries to India. During 1902, the mission was very active in Karnataka and the general condition of people was miserable. Epidemics-cholera,
Prof Wangari Maathai, who has a passion for environment and bio-diversity and is contributing to the sustainable development and growth of planet Earth. Wangari Maathai Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya (Africa) in 1940. She was the first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree and to become chair of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and an Associate Professor. Wangari Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya and was its Chairman in 1981-87, where she introduced the idea of planting trees with the people and continued to develop it into a broad-based, grassroots organization whose main focus is the planting of trees with women groups in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. Through the Green Belt Movement that Nobel Laureate Prof Maathai has evolved innovatively a movement with 600 community networks across Kenya and branches in 20 countries resulting in the plantation of 31 million trees. She and the Green Belt Movement have received numerous awards, most notably The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.
Give More & get the ever lasting hapiness & Peace:- During the 100th birthday of His Holiness Sree Sree Shivakumara Swamiji of Sree Siddaganga Math, Tumkur, Karnataka, a southern state of India - a message of "Giving" came to my mind celebrating his contribution, which I would like to share with you
What message do we get from all these experiences? All these experiences give an insight that human beings can attain lasting peace and happiness only when they rise above their selves and work towards serving others without external temptation. Is it utopian goal or is it practicable in day-to-day life? I have come across many incidents where people have, irrespective of their normal professional affiliations, have come forward for great societal missions by giving.
The source where you get righteousness is from Parents with spiritual surroundings & the children's Primary school teachers.
Points Insisted by Dr APJ Sir,
Dr APJ sir's tips for personnel care:-
Eat fibrous food (more vegetarian food) Regular aerobic exercise or involve in games with more body movements. Practice meditation, prayer for mind relaxation.
Members & groups, we need to develop "simplicity, honesty, kind heart, sharing" more with in us. Give as much as you can & get in return the everlasting peace & happiness.
Proud to say I am and Indian, from the country where Dr APJ sir is from.
Reported by: BFI- Mani Vandey Mathram Mani-9444572152 |
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