dear friends
In the recent past, we are getting large number of mails, to be circulated in the group. Since it is a moderated group, we permit only those messages which will fit in to the degniity of this forum. This forum has many senior and eminent professionals on board. Every message should add value to the discussion forum. Please keep in mind the following guidelines while posting the message in the group :
1. We donot want any 'arm chair suggestions', fpr 'arm chair criticisms' for building the Nation. If you have any success story or contribution (however small it may be) for the development of the society, please share with the group. You may also post the success stories of other contacts, you might have witnessed.
2. We do not entertain pessimistic, negative and hate mails in the group. In earlier occassion, we have removed such members from the list. Please also do not post promotion materials of your company or products.
3. Please post only messages which are of common interest to the members broadly. We have more than 1800 members in this forum. We should respect the sentiments of receivers. Many times, members post one line messages like "I agree", "thanks for the message" etc. Such messages need not be posted. If you have any additional input, or additional views either in support or against, please post such messages.
4. Please do not send private messages, personal responses to the earlier thread of message to the group. Such messages may not interest other members and would cause irrtation to others. If it is personal, please contact the concerned person directly without routing through the group, unless your messsage is of common interest.
Please understand the difficulties of the moderators for keeping this forum with very high standard. This is your forum for sharing success stories and to build our Nation. Kindly cooperate with the moderators while posting your messages.
with greeting
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