Dear Friends
We are happy to have Mr.Vijay Venkatraman as our US India Vision coordinator. He has been in US for quite some time & is very passionate about Vision 2020 ideas. He interest & goal are best explained in his own words :
"At a professional level, I am passionate about designing products and I am pursuing that dream through my work as an Interaction Designer for Tektronix in Beaverton. In the wake of my many multifarious experiences on the extreme ends of what I call the "happiness scale", I have come to be passionate about one thing at a personal level - "helping people". To some, this may sound pompous, and perhaps even dishonest, but it couldn't be further from the truth and has dimensions far greater than the two simple words reveal. So, driven by that personal passion, I am signing up for this position, and through it I hope to advance the goals of the India Vision 2020 effort, with special emphasis of-course on areas that appeal to me"
There is a large indian presence in US & we would like to touch base & help them maintain their link back home.
We request all US members to get in touch with Vijay & work as a team. As we have stressed unteem times, we are a flat org group & no hierarchy. Coordinators real strenght are its constituents, members!!
Vijay may be reached at
Vijay may be reached at vijay.venkatraman1@
All the best to Vijay on his role ! Looking forward to more activities in US !
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