To realise the developed India by 2020

Monday, February 25, 2008

Re: [India_Vision_2020] Bank strike is an economic terrorism on the Nation

(Moderators note : Please avoid posting one line messages like "I agree" etc. Such mails will cause inconvenience to the receivers. Please add your views as to how we can challenge such "economic terrorism and blackmailing" and then post in future.)

yes I agree with you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] Bank strike is an economic terrorism on the Nation

(Moderator's Note : Mr Desikan has brought out a valid point that the Bank strike is more an "Economic Terrorism", to bring down the Nation. Probably Mr Desikan brings home a point that while Osma Billaden kills the innocent public, this type of Bank strikes terrorise the innocent common man in a silent way. Instead of waging war against their management, they are declaring war against the public. Is it a legalised terrorism and blackmailing against the common citizen. I welcome the views of the members. This is an important issue affecting the entire Nation. When we talk of India Vision and economic growth, how to handle such situations. Come on members. please share your views immediately)

Dear Mr.Desikan,
Excellent move.
All the Bank customers and general citizen should
support the move initiated by you.

Is it possible to get the e-mail ids of all the Bank
Union Office bearers so that as many people as
possible could flood them with similar letter
condemning the Bank Union going on strike.

We should pressurize the FM and Govt. that it is time
for them to declare the strike illegal and declare
that Financial services are essential service.


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