All the govt schools in TN has a computer lab with CD player attached to it. So it should be fine there.
And I think many in US will like to see the CD... Can you discuss with Dhanapal on pay per click kind of setup to make it viewable online?
T Balamurugan
DpMd Corner http://forum.
Innovation Centre http://vision.
" A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty."
an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty."
----- Original Message ----
From: Shiva Pas <>
Sent: Friday, 1 February, 2008 6:34:51 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] Re: Documentary film on Dr Abdul Kalam - A worthy gift to youngsters
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From: Shiva Pas <shivapas@yahoo.
To: India_Vision_
Cc: shakkalakababy@
Sent: Friday, 1 February, 2008 6:34:51 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_
Thanks a lot for coming forward. I will dicuss with Ravi this weekend & come up with a list of schools. I will send it to you fore review.
Online access also a good idea. But govt schools I really do not know.
Another logistic is do the Govt schools have CD player. I know they have TV :-) !!
Lets see. We have to consider all these.
Balamurugan <balarichard@> wrote:
Dhanapal,Had a look into the trailer... I wish to see the complete one. Ofcource i will pay for the good work done.Hi Shiva,Sending it to schools is a very good idea. If we can arrive at the list of schools then i wish i can work on contributing the logistics to provide it to schools. Even we can work on a pay per access to watch the video online so that it can reach many and eliminate the hassle of shipping it to the person who ordered it.Let me know your thoughts.Regards,T Balamurugan+----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------+DpMd Corner http://forum. rock2b.comInnovation Centre http://vision. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------+" A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty."
----- Original Message ----
From: Shiva Pas <shivapas@yahoo. com>
To: India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Thursday, 31 January, 2008 9:25:05 PM
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_ 2020] Re: Documentary film on Dr Abdul Kalam - A worthy gift to youngsters
Hello Dhanapal,
This is a great piece of work done which I firmly believe is going to inspire many youth on Dr.Kalam's Vision. As you had mentioned in your interview , this is the first visual media coverage on Dr.Kalam's life.
To take this to more young people, especially students, India Vision would strive to send this CD to atleast 100 Rural Schools. This would be a great source of inspiration to them.
All the very best in all future social initiatives .
pdhanapal <pdhanapal@yahoo. com> wrote:Dear Shri.K.Srinivasan
I express my sincere thanks to you for posting a write-up on my
documentary film on Dr.APJ.Abdul Kalam.
I've priced the CD at Rs.50. I want to extend 10% discount for India
Vision Group members as a gesture to Mr.Srinivasan and valued members
of this group.
Thanking you again
Sincerely yours
Mob: 92822 35990
--- In India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com, "Prime Point Srinivasan"
<prpoint@... > wrote:
> dear friends
> Last week, a documentary on Dr Abdul Kalam (former President of
India) was
> released at Chennai. This documentarry is the committed effort of
one Mr P
> Dhanapal, a great admirer and fan of Dr Kalam. Mr Dhanapal spent
around 30
> months in this task to collect the various information on the life
of Dr
> Kalam and various clippings. This is the first documentary on the
life of
> Dr Kalam.
> This documentary titled "A little dream" runs for 60 minutes. This
is a
> story in story type. A grand father tells his grand son on the
greatness of
> Dr Abdul Kalam. In the process, various clippings from the
speeches of Dr
> Kalam have been incorported.
> Inorder to spread the message of Dr Kalam, Mr Dhanapal has priced
this VCD
> at Rs.50/-. It is a great treasure and can be given as gift to
> and students.
> I have recorded a podcast interview with Mr Dhanapal on this
> film. Please listen to the podcast of Mr Dhanapal and also watch 6
> trailer of the docu film at
> http://poduniversal .blogspot. com/2008/ 01/documentary- film-on-dr-
abdul-kalam. html
> If anybody wants to get the VCD, you may contact Mr Dhanapal at
> pdhanapal@.. . or can be contacted at 09282235990
> You may also circulate this information to your contacts.
> K. Srinivasan
> Moderator
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